Hanging up the phone, the smile on the face is completely converged, the brow is tight, and the eyes are flashing with complex cold light. She once again called the phone call, still can't do it, think about it, she made the phone call. , Phone very quickly -


"Si Hui, do you see my text message?"

"I saw it, I just said with the Temperature, I think your speculation is right, he is really a problem."

"Yes? What?"

"I called him, I will find the excuse to find Mr. Wen, and the Wen Dynasty is looking for a reason to resolve. Later, I told him some handover work. He pushed four hours later. I doubt what he has? Considering us. "

"So saying, he really has a lot of suspicious, Xiao Han? Have he gone?"

"It's already gone, when you call me, his plane is sliding, I am going to find Mr. Wen's way, here, I will deal with it."

"If the Wen Dynasty really has a problem, you can't fight at all, you don't act rashly, wait for me to contact Xiao Han again."

"Let's wait, Mr. Wen will be very dangerous. If he really has something, I am worthy of the master."

"But you can't solve problems alone, you can't save him, but also tired of yourself ..."

"Will n't, I have an inch, thank you for telling me this news, night, at this time, it's hard to ask you to feel the feelings of the owner, he will definitely understand your pain !!!"

"Si Huai ..."

"I hang up first, goodbye."

Si Hui directly hangs and speeds up the car to the suburban hospital ...

The night flames listened to the blind sound from the phone, and the heart is getting more and more uneasy. Xiao Han will be with a lot of coming from the country, and those who often follow the people around the Si Hui have been sent in Hong Kong. Now Li Hui There should be no a few people around me. She caught it to the rescue sea. It is too dangerous. In case of her, he will not stay in peace.

Thinking of this, the night flames immediately called Xiao Han special contact information, but this requires a lot of processes, airlines also ask him to fax their profile, the night flames are now in the car, it is impossible to do, how to say that it is useless He is secretly sigh, and now people are really realistic. Once the situation, many things cannot be done.

Night flames have to be called Qin Xiang, let Qin Xiang contact Xiao Han's special plane, let Xiao Han immediately contact him.

Qin Xiang plated the roots: "At this time, what do you find Xiao Han?"

"I am looking for him, in short, I have a good place to our plan, you will contact me first." The night flame urged.

Qin Xiang wants to think, finally promise: "Well, I check it, wait back to call you."

"Thank you." Night flames hang up the phone, parked the car on the side of the road, now he has to wait for Qin Xiang's news, let go of Xiao Han as soon as possible, and then rush to the ground, save the Wen and Wenhai.


Qin Xiang did not think so deeply, did not know what the Wemewood did something, and didn't know what the night flames were, but after today's things, he tried to believe in Night flames, so the night flames now let him do Things, he didn't want to do more, with his forces, soon contact Xiao Han ...

Special plane, Xiao Han is closing to the god, the flight ventians came to call him: "Xiao, Qin always calls you."

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