Wenhai bite low drink: "How many of you are also with him?"

Those who have been laughed -

"Apologow, the owner, the strange blames you are rich, never treats our brothers, and now you are going to be collapsed, even the Temperature and Bad have betrayed you, our group of people will follow you. It is not as good as early, and all the roads. "

"Just, Harry is our brother, we went to fight together, together from the small town, he was looking for you to revenge, we are of course standing here."

"You have a group of traitors outside." Wenhai was shaking, "I usually stay in you, you will betray me."

"Strap, go to death -" Harry's refers to the slight movement, ready to shoot, as long as his finger is bucking, the head of the warm sea is to be exploded.

At this hairdressing, the night flames quickly kicked the door, and pushed Harry in the moment of Thunder.

"", The bullet is biased, Harry returns to God, the lift of the gun points to the night flaming, the night flames flashed his wrist, and the shot will take the gun to point his head.

"Not allowed." Other followed all of the guns pointing at night flames.

The night flames are gods, and there is nothing half a little panic: "I just saved people, I don't want to hurt who, you will hurry, wait for me to take the warm sea, I will put this brother."

At this time, the Wemewood saw that the person saved him was a night flame. He was horrified to open his eyes, and he was incredible to watch him: "Night flaming is you !!!"

Wenhai did not think of this critical moment, people who saved him will be a night flame.

"Are you a night flame?" I watched the night flames, "Wenhai is your enemy, we are on the same display."

"The Wemewood is indeed my enemy, but this is not your business, the sins he committed, naturally there is law to punish, should not be owned by you privately." Night flames calmly

"I just said, I have heard it, your wife's death, I feel very regrett, although Wemai has a certain responsibility, but in fact, the sentence he said is not wrong, the main problem is still on yourself.

Your wife will pregnant seven months early pregnancy, definitely because she is usually not good, you should take care of her, or let her stay in the hospital, rather than waiting until the incident.

Besides, the Wemewood let you perform the task. If you are firm enough, you can refuse, go back to take care of your wife, in addition to punishment, less work, you won't have too much loss, no May lose your wife.

The key to the problem is that you usually have a temper, the character is thick, not careful, not responsible, neglect your wife, wait until there are things, you put all the responsibilities to others, even if Wenhai has three points, other seven points Responsibility is completely on you, you have to kill him for your wife, is it necessary to commit suicide? ? ? "

Night flames, this is said that there is no words, and there is a refute, it can't find it. It is indeed a big man in a very big man, and it is clear that the wife is weak, and the fetal position is not normal. It takes time to accompany her, even if you take a break, you will drink wine with your brothers.

His wife had already put forward to be hospitalized, but he felt that she was confident, but also said that other women had children, she was so troublesome.

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