Until the wife of Harry is dead, he knew that he knew that he had regretted. He didn't have a self-blaming, but he was too painful, so he spherled all the responsibilities in Wenhai from the subconscious.

In fact, there are many men in reality, so I don't know how to cherish, I will regret it when I have to lose, maybe some people have the opportunity to save, but some people have no chance ...

And Harry, it has to live in pain in his life.

However, his resentment of Wemewhered is because of a few words of the night, he is cold and smiled: "Indeed, my wife's death is a big responsibility, wait for me to kill Wemai, I will go to my wife. Suicide before the grave, confessed. "

"I won't let you kill him." Night flames said, "I believe that your wife will not agree with you, since the tragedy has made it, she is only hoped in Jiun, I hope you can spend the rest of your life. "

"Less waste." Harry didn't want to listen to night flames, "Night flames, what do you forget to have done on the Wemewood? It is his teaching Han Xiu City to fall, harm you, harm your wife almost not The man snapped away, hurts you, it hurts your grandfather, these all do it, if you want to save him now, you will be unlucky in the future, you will be you and your family. "

These words have evoke the memories of the Night flames. He looked at the warm sea lying in the bed, recalling his own deeds to their family, but he also had a strong resentment, but he did not lose himself, very fast He has come back to God -

"Wenhai did have done a lot of injury, I won't let him, but I will fight against him, find out his criminal evidence, let him rope! This is what I want to give me and my home. A man's confession can also prove the innate people in the world. "

"Oh!" Harry laughed -

"Night flaming, you are the words of the TV series, describe yourself like a saint, you want to make the world feel that you are very kind, these words, you will say it later. Bar.

Don't be so hypocritical in front of us, you are called ridiculous, ignorant, if you really have peace, if the law is really fair, you will not be embarrassed, Mrs. Qin will not die. Qin Wei, will not be asaso! ! ! !

Wemewood gave the hurt from the night home and Qin family, is it possible to cancel only? Even if you are willing, Qin Xiang is not willing. Do you want me to remind you? You now saved the warm sea, how do you go back to Qin Xiang? Qin Xiang will not let you go. "

"Thank you for reminding me." Night Flame Remaining in Wenhai "" You said that there is nothing wrong, the warm sea causes so much damage to the night home and Qin family, even if it is dead, it is not enough to vent the hate of our heart. " Don't say just sitting. "

Wenhai low, did not dare to look at his eyes ...

"But ..." The night flames came again and a turning point. "I also want to tell you, even if you kill the Wewhered Hai now, those damage we can't be wiped, what happened, I can't save. Wenhai is dead, maybe I will soon recapture the night home, but the world will think that I will win him with a try to win, he died no way, no one knows the crime he committed, I don't know our night home. Scrubborn, I don't know the harm of Qin family, the clerbity of our night home and the fair of Qin family, who will give us? "

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