"I am too lazy to tell you these nonsense."

Harry is a bit impatient. He can't understand the fair and innocent of the night flames. In his thoughts, it is only to be wrong, grievances, and there are so many truths.

Harry shouted the brothers: "Brothers, what do you do? Your nephew has already gone, anyway, I don't want to live, don't worry about me, help me to kill the Wemewood this old animal."

The few brothers looked at each other, she didn't dare to do it, and some brothers advised: "Harry, forget it, it is better to go with us."

"Yeah, if we really kill the Wemai, Xiao Han will not let us let us go, what should we do? We don't like you, we still have a wife." Another Brother said.

"Your group of dogs don't want to think about yourself." Harry angry big, "I know that I will wait for you to take money, first kill Wewhered Hai this old animal to my wife and children." "

"Harry, we are also for you, why don't you understand?"

"Fart, I have seen it, you just want to live, you will go, today I will die, I will find the sea donkey under Huangquan."

Those brothers know that they can't convince Harry, but they can't bear to let him wait for him, so they are pleasing to night: "Night, you raise your hand to put it in Harry, we don't want to move, you let us leave the United States, we don't interfere with each other. good or not?"

"Yes, but you have to put the gun first." Night flames moved to the wall, "You put down the gun, took the room and exited the room, I put it Harry."

"That can't, if we put down the gun, what should you do for us?" The bodyguards were very cautious.

Night flames said: "There is only a quad bullet in Harry, just use it, only three, you have four people, even if I can't finish you, you have the opportunity to uniform, more important Is there anything I need to kill people for my own enemies? "

After that, I thought about it, I nodded: "Okay, we promise you."

"No, you can't let go of the warm sea." Harry excited shouting.

"Your brothers should take care of you in order to save you." Night flames are cold, "I just opened the gun, soon there will be the police found here, you can't wait, even if you want Death, should not dragging your brothers. "

Hearing this sentence, Harry is silent.

"Harry, gentleman avenge, ten years late, let's leave here, other things, then say later."

These brothers have a righteousness and have never dropped the Harry.

Harry can't bear to drag them, just have to have to promise.

The bodyguards retired from the door of the body, and retired to the door and then put down the gun into the room.

Night flamested Harry turned a direction, and the lightning pushed Harry, and then pointed them with a gun: "Hurry!!!"

Harry angryly stared at the Wemner on the bed: "For you to walk, you will wait, I will come back to find you."

He said to Night Flam, "Wenhai this kind of people only revenge, don't remember, you save him, will regret it."

"Let's go." The brothers took Harry left.

Night flames looked at the back of them, finally slammed into a breath, turned to help the sea, but dumbfounded, Wenhai picked up a gun from the ground pointed him ...

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