The night flames bite cut teeth: "Wenhai, I always know that you are not a good person, I didn't expect you to leave this, I just saved you, you still take a gun to point to me?"

"You don't know ..." Wemewood held the gun tightly, and the sound and weakness leaned on the wall, satirical and sneer, "You save me, just don't want me to die in others, you want to kill yourself. I, to vent your heart hate. "

"Your psychology can be true and dark." Night flames have a face, "Harry said that you are not wrong, you can only revenge, don't remember, you really will die. But you can rest assured, I will not kill. You, I have said that you have to let you rope, never yet, you haven't retired now, the fundamental enemy is not letting me, or put the gun down, don't do a unnecessary battle. "

"Less waste." Wenhai cold drink, "You want me to sit in prison, want to let people around the world know my crime, this is still painful than death, night flaming, you are worthy of night home, know Punish me with more cruel means, I will not go to your time. "

"You are really unhappy." The night flames were burned in anger, but he knew that the Wemeworrhea couldn't say it at all, even if he said with him, he didn't use it, so he surely used a presence, Take a gun to point to Wenhai. "You want to die, I will fulfill you now."

Wenhai is shocked, immediately shot on the night flame, but he has no anesthetic medicine, the action is slow, and the night flame has a preparation, and a shot is opened against the warm sea.

"Hey!" A gun, the bullet shot on the wall, splashing a cluster of sparks, the warm sea was shocked, the movements were slow, and the night flames took the opportunity to take the opportunity to take his gun, just At this time, the urgent footsteps came outside, a group of police rushed in the night flame, "Do not move, raise hands !!!"

The night flames were shocked, and they looked at these police. This is over, he is really jumping into the Yellow River. He is clear that he is in the rescue sea, but these police have seen it completely, they must think He wants to kill the warm sea.

"Help, he wants to kill me -" Wenhai shouting is more fire.

"Let go of the gun !!!" The police drunk with the night flames.

The night flame closed his eyes, he finally understood Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf, the Wemewood this kind of people is a white-eyed wolf, no matter how he saved him to help him, he will not be able to adhere, but always He wants to go badly, push it in the aboundment.


Xiao Han's special plane returned to the New York Airport, the plane was still sliding, he was so embarrassed to call the Si Hui, the phone quickly turned, he directly questioned: "Si Hui, are you lie to me ?? Wenhai The accident is not right? "

Si Hui smashed, and asked: "The owner, you can use the mobile phone to call, you can't go to Switzerland, you have returned ???"

"I am a return." Xiao Han was anxiously asked, "You tell me right away, what is going on?"

"Mr. Wen is indeed an accident, and the warmth of the temper, gave him anesthesia needle, and then took the six followed by Bart, but I have already caught the Wen Dynasty. We are now being in the police station." Si Hui said.

"What about the Wenhai?" Xiao Han's heart was going out.

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