"Oh!" Qin Xiang smiled colder, "Xiao Han, I should say that you are not enough to know your father, or you should say that you are too true, or you are too embarrameted.?"

"Things have not yet figured out, I hope you don't have to be too subjective." Xiao Han is somewhat unsatisfactory.

"Yes? Then how do we make a bet?" Qin Xiang taught the brow, "If the betting sea is not intentionally framing the night flame, this answer will soon be able to reveal, when I really want to know, you How do you handle this thing? "

"This matter is handled by the police, but I will definitely tell me." Xiao Han hangs his eyes, quite calmly said. "If the night flame is really awkward, I will not let anyone hurt him."

Qin Xiang smiled: "You have no confidence, there is no confidence in Wemai, you are not confident !!!"

After saying this, Qin Xiang left.

Xiao Han looked at his back, and his eyes became stunned. He didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that Qin Xiang said is true. He really has no confidence, even he is doubting, Wemeworry is really Biting the night flaming ...

When you think of this, he is like a boulder, and the pressure is can't breathe.

However, no matter how cruelly this truth, he must face it brave. .

Thinking of this, Xiao Han is deeply sighing, and then went into the hall.


Blue Qian Yu and Si Hui hurried into the lobby, the night flames were seated on the chair, and they also worn on the hand, and several police officers were guarded. The message, the blue Qian Yu called him: "Flame!"

The night flames looked at her, rushed to her gentle smile: "Qian Yu!"

"You are fine?" Blue Qian Yu got up and down, seeing his handcuffs in his hand, her face changed, "What is going on? Why do you want to give him a hand? What is the sin? "

"The lady, the night flames are intentional murder sins, and our group of policemen see you." A policeman said.

"Do you see him to kill?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"We saw him shot the head of the fire." Another policeman said coldly, "more than a dozen pairs of eyes clearly."

"Is there a gun in Wenhai?" Blue Qianfeng asked.

"Of course, there is nothing, and we have arrived in time to save the temperature." The police said, "Dozen guns pointed to the night flame, he dares to shoot?"

"Mr. My Mr. I have taken the shooting award. If he really wants to kill the sea, how can the shot can play?" Blue Qianyu said, "He shot, must be another reason, you These police, how can I pay attention to this evidence? "

"Lady, specific circumstances, we will investigate clearly. Now the night flame is only suspected, and there is no one dare to pay his sin. Please don't be excited." A black policeman advised.

"Since it is just a suspect, there is no conviction, why do you want to wear a hand? If you prove my sin, how do you make up for him?" Blue Qian Yu is aggressive. Those policemen were asked without a dumb, and I didn't know how to return.

The night flames are big and said: "Because I involved is a major gun case case, Weminghai is a US high official. If I really want to kill the sea, I am a special crime, so they want to give me a handcuffs, this It is legal and reasonable. "

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