"Husband ..." Blue Thousands of heartache looked at the night flames, obviously framed, insulted, but so beautiful, so stunned.

And those policemen were more eye-catching, bringing him back more than two hours, he has been calm, calmly explains the end of the dragon, even if it is quiz and guess, it is never angry, such people make people touch Unexlate, either a very deep murderer, either, he is really unrelated to this.

"Qian Yu, don't be angry, they are all duty on their responsibilities." The night flames hold the hands of the blue thousand feathers, smiling at her, "the law is fair, I didn't do something wrong, no one, no one, I can't."

"Well." Blue Qianyu looks back, "Husband, I believe you!"

"I can prove." Si Hui said loudly, "I have always wanted to provide clues, but you are busy interrogating the night, now I can talk now?"

"Secret, are you not a person who is warm?" A police officer asked, "When at the airport, you do our best to arrest the warmth of the temple, and then notify us to save the Temperature."

"Yes." Si Hui nodded, "So I won't lie to you."

"Well, what do you want to say?" The police officer asked.

"The news of Mr. Wen is a nightmare to inform me. At that time, I was sending the owner from the airport to go abroad. I suddenly received a call from the night. Said that Mr. Wen may be dangerous. I will go to protect him right away, so I can get over time. Si Hui said.

The police officer looked at the night flames, and the question: "Although I don't know much about business, but I have seen news, it seems that the night's temperature is very unhappy, and it seems to have any deep hatred, warm The minister is going on, and the night shouldn't you be happy? Why do you want to save him? And how can you know that the warm minister does something? "

"There is a lot of hidden love, let me talk to you in the process, you naturally understand." Si Hui said.

"Well, then you are in trouble, you can record a detailed mouth to four rooms."


"I also recorded a piece of mouth." At this time, Xiao Han's voice came, everyone looked at him, Night flames saw him, frown wrinkled, and his eyes were angry.

"Sorry, you call me, I don't believe you, harm you now." Xiao Han apologized.

The night flames have been ignored by him. Today, the night flames are not angry. They even do so, he feels normal, because Wenhai is a shameless villain, but the night flames , because he is sincere, Xiao Han is brother, Xiao Han does not believe him.

"Xiao, could not, you also received the nightmare news, so I know that the warmth of the war is?" The police officer asked.

"Yes." Xiao Han nodded, "Night flaming was originally wanted to inform me, but I have been in the special plane, so the phone is called me, and the Si Hui caught the past, and the night flames worried A person saved the warm sea, so let me contact me, I will call the night flames through the airline's internal line, and those internal lines are recording, you will verify it. "

The police officer immediately made the eyes, and immediately did it under his hand. If you really have this call, it is indeed that the motivation of the night flame is saving people, not murder.

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