Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1205 is improper transaction 1

"You must help me this." Wenhai said seriously, "Otherwise I am really finished, I have just started to start, I am not willing to lose."

Xiao Han advised: "If you make a good time, even if you have to keep yourself, how can you? The truth will soon will leave the stone, you can't hide the truth."

"There is no truth in this world, there is no fact, as long as the power, who is the winner, who said is the truth." Wenhai excitedly pulled Xiao Han's collar, "You must help me, I can die, but I can't do it. Don't take the prison, do you understand? "

Xiao Han frowned to see him, for a long time, said a word: "I used to think that I am not as you, now, I found it, actually I am very like you."

He didn't say words. In fact, he means that the warm sea, you will be more important to see the dignity, and he Xiao Han, the same, before he didn't think about this problem, now he understands, this kind of person is sometimes true. Sad.

"What do you mean?" Wenhai did not understand.

Xiao Han didn't want to continue to say, transfer the topic: "Tang Dynasty, I may not help, Qin Xiang has intercepted, I am afraid I can't do anything."

"You just have to do something." Wen Hai did not explain, "You go to explain to the police, saying that today's things are misunderstood, and Wen Dynasty with money to do things for me, and then I prove that the police naturally Will put the Wen Dynasty, Wen Dynasty returned to me, I have a way to deal with him. "

"If I say this, isn't it in the night flame?" Xiao Han said with anger, "The night flame is in order to save you, you have now, you have now dignified the crime of the Mid Dynasty. What do he do? "

"You only consider the situation of the night flames, have you considered me?" Wenhai fired.

"I just think about you, so I will be ackless night in the night." Xiao Han said, "Night flaming has a shares in our company, I don't pay attention to him in order not to deal with you, don't return him. Our brothers have not had to do it, but now you have a thing, but he doesn't hesitate to help me. If I betray him, then I am still a person? "

I heard these words, the Wemewood was silent, slow slow, he retired step: "Ok, I don't want to be difficult, as long as you promise to help me, I will say that the police said that night flames will shoot for me. Misunderstanding. In this way, the Night flame will not provoke the lawsuit. Is this always? "

"Really?" Xiao Han has some questions, worried that the Wemeworn will go to the back.

"When did I defraud you?" Wen Hai brow wrinkled, "Even if I deceive the world, it is impossible to deceive you."

Xiao Han wants to think, say: "Wen dynasty is full of wild, conspiracy, you are not afraid of him to betray you once? Your hand is almost the same. The remaining people are all incumbent, you still don't stop, really Do you want to take care of you? "

"You always have the gas of others, destroy yourself." Wenhai angry low drink.

"Forget it, I will never communicate with you." Xiao Han turned to go.

"I said, you must do it." Wenhai once again, "I never let you help me, this is the first time, the last time."

"I know, but you have to remember, I am not helping you, but I am helping the night flame." Xiao Han left this sentence to leave.

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