Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1206 Inappropriate Transaction 2

In the last sentence of Xiao Han, the warm sea was very cold, but in fact, Xiao Han is only self-deception. .

His mouth voice said that he didn't help the Wenhai, but he helped the night flames, those who were lie, only his own heart was the clearer, he did, more actually for the sea.

It is his true idea to ensure that the night flames are unique.


In the office, Qin Xiang said to the police director: "I just want to see the Wen Dynasty, tell him a few words, definitely do not affect your case, this little thing, do you not so dead?"

"The total length of Qin, it is really not we disagree, but the Wen Minister is in advance, his hand, from him, no one can be close." The police secretary is very difficult, "We now take the Wen Dynasty now Cell, ordinary police officers are not close, I can't do it. "

"That is also." Qin Xiang smiled coldly, "Wenhai is still at the Minister, and my minister has already resigned, you must have listened to him."

"Qin always ..."

"Ok, just like this." Qin Xiang is proudly standing, "I have never ask for people, you don't agree, however, I can remind you that this moderate is an important stain witness, if I guess If it is right, there will be some people to change the supply, saying that he has no betrayal, then please return him to the temperature. "

I heard this sentence, the police director somewhat fog: "I, I don't quite understand, the Wen Dynasty is the closeness of the warmth, who will he will stain witnesses?"

"Some things don't need to be quite understanding, but soon there will be a day of water, with your official position, I am afraid it is difficult to handle such a big case. If you don't want to be implicated, it is recommended that you prefer to inform you The superiors. "

Qin Xiang left this sentence and walked out of the office.

The police director frowned the back of Qin Xiang, and the heart was awkward. It slowly slowed it. He felt that Qin Xiang finally concluded, so he immediately called Harley Director to report the case.

Harley Director stands at the night at the beginning, but the warm sea power is too big, he does not dare to keep up with warm sea, so it will only be able to protect it.

Moreover, if he refers to the resentment of the night, Qin Jia, Wen Jia, so for Qin Xiang, he naturally can hear more understanding, this is a good opportunity for a thousand years.

As long as the Wen Dynasty is taken out, the crime of the Wemewood can be public.

So, the Director Harley immediately rushed over ...


Si Hui Lu Lu has been shipped out, just Xiao Han, I am eager to say: "Si Hui, today's thing is a misunderstanding, the Wen Dynasty is really going to work abroad, he doesn't have a caring."

This sentence is just that the Qin Xiang and Police Director of the Office have been heard, of course, there are quiet and blue millet sitting in the corner. Everyone looks at Xiao Han, everyone's eyes become very complicated.

Especially Qin Xiang, his mouth has evacuated the laughter, he guess is not wrong, Xiao Han has never been a selfish person, how can he treat your father's life and death? impossible.

And Blue Qian Yu and Night Flames, in addition to complex, there is deep disappointment, they don't want Xiao Han to choose between affection and friendship, just hope that Xiao Han insists on justice, but he can't do it. .

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