"Do you want to be too big?" Qin Xiang felt very ridiculous, "Daniya wore Barke with so big green hat, got him into a laughter of the whole world, will he still maintain her? is it possible?"

"One day husband and wife, Bacha is a good and soft person, he will not look at Daniya dead." Night flame still convinced his thoughts, "Louis Earl may only be punished, but Danieian life It's hard to guarantee that Bacha can't be so unhappy. "

"Well, I also believe in your point of view, but now it is in front of your eyes, but this thing is not only not pressed, but the more fierce, Bacle is coming to the contract, but also to the UK to address this matter, the reporter entertains It will also be held after three hours. As long as he condemns the Code of Louis and Dennea in front of the media, our partnership is over, the Wemewood can turn over. "

"You also said, the reporter reception will be held after three hours, we still have a chance."

"What opportunities have there? So far from the British, we can't do anything."

"You don't want too pessimism, there is me. Ok, I will drive first, and I will say it again."

"Well." Although Qin Xiang still relieved, but for the safety of the night flame, he couldn't talk anymore, "I am waiting for you, you drive carefully."

"it is good."


The night flames hang up the phone, ready to speed up the speed, at this time, the mobile phone rang again. He was preparing to press the Bluetooth headset. Suddenly found that there was a car behind him, his brow wrinkled, transfer the car direction, ready to advance the city , From the place where people go around Qinjia. .

However, those cars have been chasing, but they are closed, ready forced him to stop.


Qin Jia, Qin Xiang did not stop in the study, the brow was closely fried, and the heart was very uneasy. If this is not solved, then his plan is going to give up, and now he is single with his and night flames. Wen Haifou is still a big difficulty.

Before, Plus Pissed and Barkel were bamboo, but now, Louis Earl and Bacle have this, and the situation is getting more and more.

I thought about it, his cell phone rang, see the call display, he immediately answers the phone: "Earl, you ..."

"Night flaming is there?" Louis Earl interrupted Qin Xiang's words, anxiously, "I gave him two calls, he didn't pick it up."

"When did you play? I just finished the phone with him." Qin Xiang said.

"Just playing." Rouza Earl said, "You quickly send people to see, don't have anything, this festival, if he is there, you are really finished, Wenhai is using this Pursue. "

"To the right, I immediately sent people to meet the night flames." Qin Xiang urgently rushed outside, "come."

"Yes." Several bodyguards came in.

"Take a few people to pick up the night flaming, fast !!!"



"Qin, I hanged first, after you receive the night flame, let him call me immediately." Rouza Earl said.

"Well, I know, you have ..." Qin Xiang didn't finish it, Louis Mount hangs directly.

Qin Xiang listened to the blind sound from the phone, and the heart became more and more uneasy. The Louis Earl is now trusting the night flames. Some things are willing to say to the night flames. If you don't want to tell him, if you have anything, he Really fighting over the sea.

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