I think of this, Qin Xiang personally takes people to find the night flame. I didn't expect the car just opened the villa. The car of the night flame was coming. The rear view mirror on the left and right sides did not see it. There is also a trace of hit behind, but Night flaming didn't seem to have any abnormalities.

"Night flaming, okay?" Qin Xiang quickly got off the bus.

"Nothing." The night flames came down from the car, and the car key was thrown. "Let's go in."

"Good." Qin Xiang walked to the villa with him, "What is your car? Is it just someone to track you?"

"The night is always too powerful, five four modified cars are around him. He opened the car directly from the gap." A saying that he had a sense of heart, "I was scared at the time, worried about him, then the gap Narrow, I didn't expect him to open, but the rear view mirror was hanging.

"It must be a Wemewood." Qin Xiangyi said, "That blending thing, knowing to play yin."

Night flames did not speak, while looked through the mobile phone while seeing two missed calls, they were calling, and he quickly returned, very fast, the phone was connected -

"Louis Earl, are you looking for me?"

"Why don't you answer the phone? Will it be dangerous?"

"It's nothing to track, it's okay." The night flames said calmly, "How is your situation above?"

"Hey, I stayed in Dai Tie three days. Bacle refused to see me, now I fly directly to the UK to handle this matter. The reporter reception is the royal family. The Queen wants him to be positive. Now they are Understanding this, Daniya was hung in the palace, and I was also closed. If Bacle really admitted to me and Dennea in front of the media, Dennea was over ... "

"You have never seen Bacle?" Asked the night flame.

"I have seen a face today. I didn't say anything. I just stared at me with a kind of hate into the bone." I really said. "Louis count said low," I don't have any big problem The Queen's grandmother came to me, saying that this is open, let me hand over the company to her, returning to the country, avoiding the wind, don't come out of the year, waiting for the past. But Dan Niya ... "

Speaking here, the voice of Louis Earl becomes more low, "she is troublesome, the queen will not let her."

Night flames are silent.

"You talk, give me some opinions, what should I do now? Is it true that she watched her?" The Earl of Louis is very embarrassing. "I think I am really sorry, I want to save her, but now No one listened to me, I just asked her to mention her, the Queen's grandmother became big. "

"Okay, don't worry." The night flames comforted, "more than two hours, we still have hope."

"Users who are useless, his mobile phone is shut down, no one does not contact," No one doesn't contact. "Defudgy of Louis said," I have to convene a reporter reception after two and a half, I see him will be at the meeting. Condemn us, then disclose and disconnect the relationship, divorce with Denneia. "

"Things are people, always think of ways." The night flames said calmly, "as long as you will do it according to what I said, there will be hope."

"What can I do now ??" Louis Earl is discouraged.

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