Blue Qian Yu is deeply sympathetic, I originally want to persuade him forgive Denne, but now she can't say it, she wants to comfort the comfort of Backer, but she doesn't know what to say ...

The atmosphere becomes heavy and suppressed, and both people are silent.

For a long time, Bacle said again: "Mrs. Night, in fact, you don't have to persuade me, I have reached an agreement with Queen, she won't hurt Denia, but I really can't forget Deni, between us, impossible Go back again. "

"I know that you are a kind person. At this moment, you are still in danger for Dennea, but ..." Blue Qian Yu is lipped, whispered, "Even if the Queen, Queen promise you, don't hurt Dennea, However, it does not mean not to manufacture accidents. Of course, I may say something that may be somewhat, but the fact is really worrying. After this matter opens, Deniea should be ourselves? Maybe we don't talk about it, Just saying, Deniya is now suffering from pain, just calling her, she has not received it, I am really afraid she can't think ... "

"No." Bacle said coldly, "I divorced her, I should be a good thing for her. They are not the first love of each other? Separate for so many years, I have never forgotten the other party. I have been sneaked. After we divorced later, she could be able to face him with him. "

"Bacle, I know that you are talking about it now." Blue Qian Yu said anxiously, "If you really don't have some feelings of Dennea, how can you start this time? You are The press conference held a for more than an hour before, in fact, it is expected to contact you with you? "

I heard this sentence, Bacle was silent ...

Yes, in fact, his mood has always been very contradictory, when he learned that Daniea and Louis Earl, he is really very angry, it is very unachable, his favorite woman and the best brother Adulteration, and sometimes it is near him, that feels like there is a bear's heart to burn his own heart, let him hurt.

He is not the kind of person who will maliciously revenge, so he chooses to avoid it. He feels that he doesn't want to see these two people again, but his other British royal identity makes him have to face this matter. Queen is going to him. Come back to convene a reporter reception, announce the news of the divorce of Dennea to the world, and put all the crimes to Daniea, maintain the reputation of Louis.

Real Bacle does not agree, but the command of the Queen, he can't define, and the Queen told him that if he didn't do it, the crime of this matter was still borne by Dennea, if he came out, at least You can keep her life.

Thinking again, Bacle finally agreed, when he returned to the palace, he was in the opposite side of Louis, and he hated the Louis Earl, but he expected that he was able to say something, said that the Louis, and the Louis Earl said a word. Nor did it say, even dare not look at him ...

Now I am only an hour away. Bacle actually has a concern. He knows Daniea in the palace. She knows that today's report is concerned about the matter, he is worried that she will not think that she will not open, be stupid, so I can't help it. Live, holding a lucky psychology waiting for him to contact him ...

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