The mobile phone has received more than 100 SMS, all Dennea, the things have been exposed, she is born to death every day, give him a lot of SMS to repent, will send all the words to say to the text message, but he I have never seen it, I finally saw it, his mood is very complicated, forgiveness is impossible, but he is still worried about her, worried that she will do things ...

Just when he felt conflict, Blue Qian Yu came to the phone. I just started Barkel didn't pick it because he was hesitant. He didn't want to be branched outside this time, but the blue thousands of feathers were hit. The reason is because he respected her and appreciated her.

Now the blue-thousand feathers let the Buckle re-reflect this reporter reception is or wrong ...

"Bacle, I know that you will definitely want to hurt Dennea, but once this matter is determined, Deni is really unbearable, I don't want to be difficult, but I know, you will be able to Find a two full method, right? "

Blue Qian Yu said carefully, do not want Backel to feel difficult and depressed, and want to convince him to help Dan Nia.

But Bacle still felt pressure: "I don't want, you have a sentence in China called the writer ugly, the man has self-respect, I don't want to announce my private life, but now things are forced to this, the royal family must I want to give people a conference, I have to come out, this is not my own ability to control. "

"What do Danya?" Blue Qian Yu is anxious. "What do you really have to do this, can you be better in this life?"

"People who can't be better in this life are Louis." Bacha suddenly anger, "all this is caused, I trust him, but he hurts me, now there is such a thing, the royal family is for Protect his reputation, so I will force me to come forward. If you really want to help Dan Nia, you should go to Louis, not looking for me. "

"Sorry, Bacle, don't be angry." Blue Qian Yu quickly explained, "I know that all this is the fault of Louis, I have never thought you have any problems, but now the initiative is in your hands, Louis can't save Denne, only you can save her ... "

"Apologize, I don't want to say any more." Bacha squatted, low, "time is coming, I have to prepare."

"Bacle ..."

Yue Qian Yu also wants something, Bache hangs directly, listening to the blind sound of "Dudu" from the phone, the mood of Blue Qian Yu is very complicated, she is deeply sighed, I don't know How to be good, she has said that she has already said, this matter, Bacle is a victim, she can't bear to force him.

However, what should I do with Daniea? ? ?


The night flames played five times of Louis Earl, Louis Earl received: "Night flames, I have already thought about it, so I can contact Bachal."

"I have to talk to you now. I suspect that Daniya may be stupid. You hurry to save her." The night flamested.

Louis Boker has been ignited: "No, things have not until the last step, she is not like this."

"Qian Yu called her, she didn't pick up, sending text messages, I don't want to return, the reporter reception will start now. For women, they don't dare to face this scene, may have been desperate when they get news. Because of the face of this world, it is not surprising to use extreme methods, this is not surprising ... "

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