"What should I do? I don't know where she is closed." The Earl of Louis is also anxious, "I am still in the study, I am not allowed to leave, even if I escape, I am going to Looking for her? "

"You are familiar with me, now I can only rely on you, I can't help you, but I believe that if you have a heart to save people, you will be able to think of a way." The night flames said, "Rouza, if Danie is out What, you have to be conscientiously condemned in this life, you measures yourself. "

Said, Night flames hang up ...

"Ah !!!" Louis Earl put the phone on the sofa, grab the hair, "It's going crazy, I originally so confused."

"Master, what should I do now?" The Boubin asked softly, "I have already sent Mr. Bacha, you are now going to find Bacle, or go to Dan Nia?"

"Of course, it is tight to save people." Louis Pun wounded brains, "But I don't know where she is, how to save?"

"Yeah, waiting for you to find her, I am afraid ..." The Publin did not dare to continue.

"Let me think about it, think about it ..." Louis Cur is closed, think about it, decisive, "I will bring my mobile phone, I want to call the Queen grandmother."

"What do you want to do?" The road frowned, "Queen is now in breathe, you are looking at it at this time is not an ."

"One person is doing something, I can't let Dan Nia have suffered all crimes." Louis Boker took the phone to call the Queen ...


Bacle looks more and more close, and the mood is getting more and more chaotic. What should I do? Did Danny really doing things? Do I want to find her?

No, she made that kind of thing that is sorry, why should I pay attention to her?

As long as I finish this press conference, I will go back to Dai, all of which have nothing to do with me, nothing to do. .

Thinking of this, Bacle got up and prepared to go to the conference hall, at this time, it came to knock on the door outside: "Mr. Bacle, someone sent a gift to you."

"Come in." Bacle should have.

A waitress came in, with a tray in his hand, put a delicate small box in the tray, the waitress low, respectfully said: "This is the general manager to transfer me."

"Which general company?" Bacle took the box.

"Publisher." The female service said.

Barkel is preparing to open the box, hear this sentence, his action is done, is a Louis people, what else does it still do this? ? ?

"He said that there is something in the box, let me pay back to you." The female servant added.

Bacle hesitated, and finally opened the box, which is a hand-made classical watch, which is exactly the same as the watch wearing the Barke's wrist, looking at this watch, Backer can't help but think about the past ...

A few years ago, when Bacle and Louis Earl did his knowledge, the Queen made Backe with the Louis Earl, taught him to do business, Barkel, like him, Louis Earl, respects him.

In order to express gratitude, Louis Earl has studied the craftsman for more than a month in the first watch plant she acquired, and personally created two expropriated watches, sent a piece of Buck, representing the hands between them. situation……

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