Speaking of this, Louis Earl can't help but make a laughing of laughter -

"Now think about it, I feel that I am really despicable. In fact, I am deliberately stimulating you, let you regret, let you come back to me.

So that day, you send a text message to meet me alone in the outskirts, my heart jumps very fast, I am stealing, excited, excited, I know that I succeed, I succeeded your heart, let you re-generate me feel……

I want to die for you, I am cold and hot, just want to grab your heart, let you make it deep enough, and I will have an ex-legacy, enjoy this revenge.

And what I do is not because I love you, but because I have revenge in a subconscious, I have always resent you left me when I was so old, I am not willing, I don't care, I want to prove, you I have feelings for me.

So, I will pull you into the abyss step by step, all the wrong is my fault, I don't have to blame you, don't be self-blamed, don't be embarrassed, don't do a stupid thing ... "

"Who is wrong for who is wrong ..." Denne's deep sigh, "Louis, maybe we are all wrong, we are all right, and some things have not been able to save, it is wrong, we must Pay the price for your own mistake. "

"Denney ..."

"Louis, if you have the opportunity to see Bacle, help me sorry, tell him, I am really embarrassed, very regret, this life, I am sorry for him, if there is a for birth, I am willing to use everything The cost is repaid to him. "

"Denne, why do you say this? You don't want to be stupid, Bacle ..."

If the Louis Pu, Daniea hangs directly, he listens to the blind sound from the phone, the heart is faster, hurried to press the redial, the phone has been turned off.

He is awkward, and Deni Jie said very desperate, she is afraid that I will really do stupid ...

How to do? How to do?

"I haven't found it? I found out?" Louis Pu was rushed to the anger.

"The Earl, our software can only find her approximate location is in the south side of the palace, the specific address also takes time to find out." As an answered answer.

"South side?" Louis count, "Southern Southern, how do I find it?"

"Sorry ..." With low head, the air is not dare.

"No ..." What did Louis Earl think of, "Southern is the Temple of the Temple, there is no room, how will Dennea?"

"There is also a secret room of the provisional prisoner." With softness.

"Secret room?" Louis Pub suddenly realized, "Yes, the Queen's grandmother must put Danieya there."

"But those underground secret rooms are big, there is a matter of time, and there is no command of the Queen, no one can break into."

"Strap" Louis, looked at him, rushed out like an arrow, driving directly to the south side of the Palace ...


When Danien turned off the mobile phone, the mobile phone just received a text message, she swayed an eye, is Bacle, she quickly reopened, anxious to check SMS -

"The reporter will hold, the Queen will arrange you to leave the UK, you can go to other places to start again, no one will be difficult for you, you don't have to worry!"

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