Seeing this SMS, Deni is suddenly crying, and the heart is like a five-sea, it is not a taste ...

What should she be saddened, or should you be fortunate?

What is sad is that Bacha has decided to convene this reporter reception, announced that it is divorced with her, and the grace is righteous;

Fortunately, Bacle is still at least care about her life. It is probably that she will not think that she can't think of it, she will tell her, even if this is announced, no one will be difficult for her, the Queen will She sent far away and let her start a new life. .

It's really generous, if you change it to others, it's impossible to sin?

Take Dennea's understanding of Bacha, this should be the result of him talking to the Queen.

He is a kind person, even if you treat outsiders, there will be a bit of love, let alone a wife who is more than one year old?

Maybe she really should be grateful, but why is she more sad? ? Because of his words, she saw the firm, he won't forgive her, no. .

Thinking of this, Daniia suddenly laughed, tears were still flowing, but the corner of his mouth, but the heart is like a smile, the heart is like cracking, it will suffocate.

She has a feeling of grief, returning to a text message to Buckle -

"Thank you, sorry !!!"

There are only six words, this only six words have already represented all the moods, embarrassment and gratitude, she thinks, Bacle will understand ...

After sending a text message, Denneia gave the phone to shut down, hand, mobile phone fell into the hot water bath, no longer gave himself regret.

This time, no one can save her. .

She looked at the mobile phone that gradually sheds into the bottom, and the heart also seems to fall in the abyss of the bottom. .

A deep breath, pick up the blade, cut your wrist, sharp stab sensation, the blood is raging in the river bank of the decissete, instantly renders the water in the bathtub. .

Hand, weak, fall into the water, blood flow faster, the water is getting red.

Daniyia squinted, staring at the wedding ring on the finger, and the big diamond shines in the water, but soon he was covered with blood, and he couldn't see its light. .

Deni's eyes slipped down the desperate tears, slowly closed his eyes, waiting for death.


Bacle looked at the simple six words, no name, only one space in the middle, such a simple word, like a fire red soldering iron.

He thought that he had been completely dead to Danya, but when he saw these six words, his heart is still uncomfortable, it is really very, very uncomfortable. .

Buckel grabbed the mobile phone, he licked his heart, repeatedly said to himself: "Bacle, don't be sad, don't be sad, it is a betrayal you, she is not worthy of your sadness, divorce is the only choice, you don't have other retreat It is impossible to shake, no. "

But at the same time, another voice is said in the bottom of the heart, "Bacle, one day husband and wife Bai Yen, although Deni is doing wrong, but she has been with you for many years, you can't give up her, even if you really Can't forgive her, even if you want to divorce her, you don't need to convene this reporter reception, you don't need to treat people around the world, you should give her some dignity, love a life road !! "

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