The two sounds are like two powerful power, pulling repeatedly in my heart, trying to pull Barkel to myself, but these two power will tear Bacle's heart into a fragment.

He can't get up, he is going crazy.

Just at this critical moment, his mobile phone received a text message, he immediately opened it, it was Blue Qian Yu sent -

"Just a minute ago, Danien's mobile phone was shut down. She probably has already accidentally, Bacle, do you really don't care about her life?"

Bacle is in the heart of the heart, and even the phone call Danien, it's really turned away. He is more panicked. It will not take much more, and immediately rush out, drive out, go to Dennea's palace Nanyuan ......


Qin Jia.

Qin Xiang hangs up the phone, turned his head to the night flames sitting on the sofa: "The news is almost pressure, I can only do this now, if Danie is really suicide, or Bacle is really resolute. Hold this reporter reception, then everything we do is white. "

"We have tried our best, the rest can only listen to the heavens." The night flames have been cold, "I hope they can come."

"Hey ..." Qin Xiang couldn't help but sigh. "I really can't think that Deni is so high or elegant, smart and wise woman will make this confusion?"

"This person, always have to be missed, hurt, repent, only know what is the most important." Night flames said that "the big truth, everyone knows, just in his head, feelings Whether you can overcome reason, then you are another comment. "

"Yeah, the key is that some people have failed to learn how to learn the lesson." Qin Xiang deeply looked at the night flames, "and some people never understand."

"What you said is referring to me, the latter refers to Xiao Han?" The night flame smiled slightly, "he didn't understand, he just didn't arrive, I was wrong for so many years, I died twice to improve it. He is still early. "

"It is also right." Qin Xiang nodded, "Xiao Han experience is too small, his nature is good, maybe for a few years, he can truly understand the matter, but Xiaa is not as strong as Lin Qian Yu, she, etc. Less than the end, you can't harvest the fruit of love. "

"This kind of thing must also be seen." The night flame said faintly.

Qin Xiang didn't say anything again. Now, he really doesn't have much thought. If Bacle and Louis Earl have really a problem, his plan will give up, Wemai this guy, now I am afraid it is hiding in a place. ? ?


Wen family.

Wemewood lying on the bed of the tablet on the tablet, and if he didn't expect him, the news was compressed.

When Qin Xiang is young, the heart is not as good as him. If the Qin Xiang is fighting, the Qin Xiang is only fighting the sea. This is the idea of ​​the night flames. Qin Xiang has the helper, such as the tiger, but, the night flame is not recovered. The property of the night home has no backup, and the mind is limited, and it is not enough.

As long as Louis Earl and Bacle are scattered, the Wemewood absolutely confident can handle the Qin family and the night home. .

Now it is a sustaining day, Wemewood must work before Qin Xiang to find Bart and Harry, otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable. .

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