Blue Qian Yu is on the left and so on, etc., I can't wait for the news, I can't help but make a call to the night flame: "Husband, have there? What is the situation?"

"Don't worry, not so fast." Night flames, "Louis Earl has rushed Den Nia, there will be no matter."

"I am really worried about Denney ..." Blue Qianyu sadly said, "I used to know her and Louis, I also disappointed, but now I think she is very poor, although it is wrong, But the sin is not dead, maybe this is not the fault of her. "

"Yeah, this kind of matter is just two people's problems, and Louis Earl must also take responsibility." Night flames helpless sigh, "but Danya can't pass his own."

"What to do, she will not really have something." Blue Qian Yu is more uneasy.

"Don't think about it." Night flame transfer topic, "Zhao Jun should take a special plane, do you ask a phone call?"

"Oh, good." Blue Qianyu quickly responded.

"Then I hang it first, I have a message later, I will give it to you."



Blue Qian Yu is preparing to call Zhao Jun, Qiao Qing hurriedly ran, and said: "Qian Yu, Zhao Jun has arrived at the airport, Qin family's bodyguard received him, they are back with Gong Yao."

"It's good." Blue Qianfei nodded, "I gave them some eating, they were afraid to eat in the plane, Qiao Qing, you will go to Yao's room to see if there is any need to add."

"it is good."


Earl of Louis and Bacle almost also opened to the Palace Nanyuan at the same time. The two saw that the other party stunned. The Earl of Louis said: "Deniya is afraid, do you know which secret room she is closed? ? "

"In the B4 layer." Bacle ran while going to the basement, Louis Earl quickly followed, ran to the elevator, and two people were stopped, "Apologize, the count is the secret base, there is no Queen Command, anyone can't enter. "

"The Queen is over there, we will naturally go, let it open." Louis Earl is eager to drink.

"Apologize, we are also ordered to act." The officer refused to open.

Bacle immediately fired: "Daniia is likely to have life dangers, we must save people now, if she is going out, who is your responsibility?"

The military officers face each other and don't know how to do it.

"What is the problem we are responsible." Louis Mist directly opened them, pulling Buck into the elevator, straight to the B4 layer.


The water in the bathtub is smashed by the dye. All become bright red. Dennea's eyelids are getting more and more heavy, the body is getting colder, the hot water is getting cold, no temperature, She seems to be in the glacier, and the bones are impregnated in the heart ...

The past is flashing from the mind, memories, the blood spread, eroding her residual consciousness.

She remembered that I have been in front of the front and Louis Earl, I remembered the scene married to Bacha, thinking that when they swear on the wedding, I said that I have to be loyal, I don't want to give it, she thought that she is all in my life. Will not make a sorry, but in the end, it is especially her.

The corner of the coming is slid down, if you can give her a chance to come back, she will be like Blue Thousands, be a loyal woman ...

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