Unfortunately, there is no chance, now, only death can wash her sin ...

Dennea's consciousness is getting more and more blurred, the soul seems to be separated from the body, everything, will become the past with her heartbeat. .


Route Earl and Bacle are so excused, from the elevator, and look for the secret room in Daniea.

It is a royal person who has made a mistake. Because the identity is distinguished, the secret room is very luxurious. In addition to the staple door and soldiers outside, it seems like the room, every room is exactly the same, Buckle didn't know where Daniea was held.

"Where is Daniya? Say." Louis Mie took a soldier question.

"Sorry, the Earl, we can't say, there is no command of the Queen, you can't visit it privately." The soldier persisted very insisted.

"Fucking is these nonsense ..." Louis Earl is annoyed.

Barkes grabbed soldiers, fierce warning: "Even if you disclose news, the top more is only punished, if Danie is out, I will kill you."

The soldier heard this sentence and scared his face.

"Say, where is it?" Bacle once again questioned.

The soldiers pointed to the right, low and low saying: "The last thing ..."

His voice just fell, Louis Earl and Bacle are like a arrow, and soldiers stationed outside, I want to stop them, Louis Earl, one fist, Bacle, the neck of one of the soldiers, directly put the key to grab the key Open the door quickly ...

The room seems to be neat, there is no different, the sofa is scattered with Danien's clothes, and a photo with Bacle is floating, and it is hung in the floor of the living room.

Bacle's heart jumped very quickly, and he walked in the past, pushed the door of the bathroom. He saw the scene in front of him. He shocked and stunned, the heart, almost all stopped the beating ...

"How? She is not inside ..." Louis Bo ran over, didn't finish it, I didn't finish it, I saw the scene of the bathroom, he was also scared, and then took a few steps, raised his hand and squatted. Scared, "How, how can this ..."

"Daniya!" Backer excitedly rushed over, hugged Denia from the bathtub, tremble with her, "Why are you so stupid, why is so stupid.."

"Quickly call the doctor, call the doctor -" Louis Earl looks back.

The soldiers were also shocked, and they immediately called people.

Louis Mist low-end head, did not dare to look at Dan Nia, his face is very pale, all the body is shaking, this moment he finally understands the night flames, if Danie is out, he is not I will forgive myself. .

He has been self-righteous thinking about things to finally resolve, if not a night flame reminds him, maybe he will not think that Dannea will take extreme end, it is true that the night flame is really affected. .

Deniya has suffered all stresses, but he solved the Queen of Head, and he was really damn. It is really damn ..

"Dennea, Daniya, you wake up, wake up, can't sleep, can't sleep ..."

Bacha is not stopped calling Dennea, he hopes that she can hear, I hope she will wake up, he can't let her do things, can't ...

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