USA, New York.

Wait three in the afternoon, there was news from the British, and the reporter reception will be canceled. Qin Xiang is relieved, and the long loose breath: "It seems that you can't guess it, Bacle is still not to hurt Dennea, things Finally, there is a transfer. "

"It is indeed turning, but this turn is not necessarily a good thing." Night flames stared at the quiet mobile phone, and his face was very dignified.

"What do you mean?" Qin Xiang asked, "Isn't you said? The reporter reception will be canceled. Is this a solution to solve it?"

"Not cancellation, but delays." The night flames looked at him. "What did I say in the phone?"

He said that Bacha did not present, the reporter reception will be canceled. "Qin Xiang frowned," What happened, you said it is good? "I am going to die."

"Bacle did not arrive because he went to Dennea ..." Night flames muttered, "Dennea must be an accident ..."

"Do you say, Danien suicide?" Qin Xiang asked.

Night flames nodded, did not speak.

"Heaven, how can things make so serious." Qin Xiang moved back and forth in the study. "If Denne is really accident, then what will it?"

"Things are more bad than before." Night flames deeply sigh, "Bacle and Louis Earl will enclose yourself because guilty, no longer paying business, our cooperation project should be suspended, my night, also It can't be recovered. More importantly, if Dennea is going, I am not good in my heart, after all, Wenhai is to deal with us, will reveal the things of Dennea and Louis. "

"Maybe this is just your estimation, Dennea does not necessarily have something, we still don't scare yourself." Qin Xiang said self-comfort, "If you don't, you ask for a phone call?"

"Now it is estimated that I have already messy, who is giving? Still waiting, wait, naturally, some people will notify us." Night flames still stare at the mobile phone.

"Hey ..." Qin Xiang sighed, re-sitting on the sofa, "Wenhai That is now estimated to smile?"

"He is like us, hanging a heart waiting." Night flames raised your forehead. "It is estimated that he is now being cursed Dan Ni as an accident. If Denne is not difficult, we are because of disaster."

"Ah? How do you say?" Qin Xiang urgently asked.

"Qin, you are really very worried, you will not think about this simple truth." Night flames smiled -

"People will understand their hearts when they lose, Deni Chia chooses to commit suicide, because of the embarrassment, and Bacle will see her so bad, and finally will let go, choose to forgive her, no matter where they will come together This grievances have been over, the queen will not be difficult for them. If Danie is able to escape, they will be grateful to us. After all, we are always like a standing when they are most struggling. This side. "

"You are right." Qin Xiang nodded, "I have been through various efforts to help them crack news, you and Blue Qianyu have repeatedly advised them, but also reminded them that Danya will do things, can say, we are wholehearted Help them, as long as this thing can pass, they will be grateful to us. "

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