Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1258 of the feelings of emotions

Think about it, Qiao Qing said that he has no feelings for the Yao Yao, and you can't control the Yong Yao. I don't forget him. As long as Qiang Yao can't put it, he will always be tied with Blue Qianyu. Root thorn, they are hard to come to today, he doesn't want to have a branch of the country.

Thinking here, the night flames are decisive: "Okay, Yu Yao, back to your room to rest. Tomorrow I will take you to the law firm to sign the property transfer contract, and let Zhao Jun send you back to France."

"Flammad ..."

"Don't let me say the second time." The night flame does not give the opportunity to talk to the Yao Yao, "" Return to the house immediately !!! "

Gong Yao looked at him firmly. The tears fell again, and trembled. How can you be so cruel? Do you know how hard I am in France? I live in the villa, like a seat Like, it is not as good as death. "

The night flame brow is a wrinkle, helplessly said: "Yao Yao, I arranged so many maids and bodyguards to take care of you, even when I was so old, I didn't cut your expense. You have a gold card, some people care, and school You can do some new friends, you can travel, you can live your own life, you can close yourself in a narrow space, can you blame? "

"Even if I have the whole world, I have not used it." Gong Yao cried and shook his head, "Without you, my world is a dark, a hole."

"Yao, when do you want to understand ?? We are impossible." Night flames have been a bit impatient, "Although Qiao Qing is just a little thin, it is not reasonable, I am very loving now, I Will not let anyone destroy our happiness, you ... no exception !!! "

Gong Yao looked at him, with a panic in his eyes, except for that time, the night flame never had such a unique to her, never, at that time, he still have some uncomfortable, but now His attitude is so resolute. .

She has been included in "anyone".

His heart has not been completely all, no.

But Yong Yao is still unwilling, she is crying to do a sign: "Do you really have no feelings at all? Even if I die, you will not be sad, right?"

"Hey ..." Night flames sighed a sigh of relief, suffering from the painful persuading -

"Yu Yao, I promise you to take care of you, no matter what happens, I will not abandon you, so I will not give you a superior material life for you, but your spiritual world needs you. Enrichment, this point no one can help you.

I have arranged such a good school, you can study hard, improve your connotation, find a chance to meet some new friends, live your life, if you have to persist, you will not only harm yourself, but also I will make me feel very troublesome, do you understand? ? ? ? "

If the Night flame, I have been clear enough. Unfortunately, I can't listen to the word Yao Yao. She turned against Blue Qian Yu, numbness to make a sign: "Because she, because of her, so you can't get me, You have been watching her face, you are afraid that she is unhappy, and I am here for you. This is all because she, if she doesn't turn this !!! "

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