"I have told you so much. Why don't you understand?" Night flaming finally lost patient, irritated anger, "Yu Yao, do you know that you make people feel very tired, I have to suffocate, I Even if you say a few words, I feel very stressed !!! "

Gong Yao Yao tears, looked at him, excited to do a sign: "Do you hate me now? Do you want to tell me?"

"We are wrong between us, but I am awake than you, and you are still obsessed with you ..." The night flames said, "I said, I can't hear it, I have no Measures, I am very tired, don't want to talk to you again, please go back to the room now, don't bother me again. "

Said, the night flames got up into the kitchen, and they didn't want to see the Yao Yao.

"If there is anything to say, why do you have such a big temper?" Blue Qianyu reveals.

Night flames did not speak, help the blue millennium soup.

"I am coming." Blue Qian Yu wants yourself, Night flaming did not hear, the soup in the hands was accidentally hot, she "", he quickly put down the soup, anxiously, "Sorry," Qian Yu, painless? "

"Nothing." Blue Qian Yu shook his head.

"All red." The night flames gripped her hand and gently kissed her scald.

Blue Qianyu smiled at him, and his eyes were gentle.

Yong Yao also couldn't see it again. He turned to the upper floor. The pace of numbness was stiff, and the tears on his face were blurred. Her heart ...

Blue Qian Yu looked at the back of Yao Yao, and sighed a breath.

"Don't worry, I will send her tomorrow." Night flamested Blue Qian Yu, the apology, "Sorry, give you troubles, I think it is not enough, I think I have to move, she has put down the past," did not expect……"

"So deep feelings, how can you let go?" Blue Qian Yu still worrying, "More than Yang Yao is immersed in your own world from small, and it is difficult to get out of the past."

"There is no way, I have done it, I have already done." The night flames sighs, "the key is to rely on her own."

"I think you should find a psychiatrist to show her." Blue Qian Yu suggested that "she is still young, she should have her own life, I can't always live in the past."

"Well, wait for her to France, I will arrange." Night flames, "I will eat first, I am very hungry."

"Okay." Blue Qian Yu smiled softly, "You pass the soup, I will come to a meal."



Night flames and Blue Qian Yu dine downstairs, and the husband and wife said, laugh, happiness.

Upstairs room, Gong Yao is sitting in front of the dressing table, looking at the mirror, pale sick face, numb eyes, now she, for the Night flaming, there is no attractive, she is Looking at yourself, I feel more and more strong. Suddenly, she took out cosmetics to her own makeup, she wants to dress myself to drift, she must win back to the night flame, must ...


After the dinner, the night flames and Blue Qian Yu returned, the phone of the night flame rang, it was cold, he received a call: "Mom!"

"Night flames, bother you so late, do you sleep?"

"not yet."

"We are now special plane, probably arrived at noon tomorrow."

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