"Oh." Zhao Jun should have to return to the house.

Zhao Jun returned to the house, changed the clothes to go downstairs. At this time, the doctor just came, the night flames were still rushing upstairs: "Come on."

The doctor quickly gave the Gong Yao Yao.

Burgu pushed the night, the old man came back, listened to the event of Yao Yao, and the night is very anxious, and Bo Wei immediately pushed him up.

Xiao Qian Wei La Blue Qian Yu's clothing, softly asked: "Mommy, what happened to aunt? Why do everyone turn around?"

"Thousands of wings, sick, so everyone must take care of her." Blue Qianyu patient explains, "the thousand wings, you stay at home, my mother will pick up my grandmother."

"Oh." Xiao Qianyi nodded.

Blue Qianyu, Xiao Cui, take care of Xiao Qianyi, and then go out with Zhao Jun.

The two are preparing to get on the bus, and the night flames will come out from the windows upstairs. "Qian Yu!"

Blue Qian Yu looked up, the night flames said: "Sorry, Yu Yao is sick, I will stay at home, don't be angry."

"Nothing." Blue Qianyu shook his head, and said to Zhao Jun, "Let's go."



The car opened, Zhao Jun sighed, whispered: "The big brother is definitely nothing to do with the palace, just, they are a relatives, he still cares about her safety."

"I understand." Blue Qianyu smiled slightly, "I am sorry, you didn't sleep overnight last night, now let you go to the airport together now."

"I have nothing, just wrote you." Zhao Jun was compassionate about Blue Qian Yu, "Miss Palace came back, he couldn't make more things, now think about it, in fact, Qiao Qing is right, sometimes it is true, please Send Buddha is difficult. "

"I believe that the night flame can handle it." Blue Qian Yu is very calm, although there is some uncomfortable, but she still believes in the night flame.


At home, doctors are checking Qiang Yao, saying that she is very distressed because she causing a serious cold, and the old man is very distressed, and I am very worried about the Qiang Yaohui.

On the side, the Night flaming is deeply glanced at the Yao Yao, and then carefully observed the surrounding environment, the carpet of the room is wet, he went to the bathroom to see, the bathtub is filled with water, he remembers the Yao Yao When I was coma, my clothes were also wet. He frowned wrinkled. I immediately understood that Gong Yao is deliberate to make himself sick ...

Her purpose is clear, I hope to stay here.

The night flame closed his eyes, turned to the room, driving directly and leaving home, and with a small thousand wings.


Blue Qian Yu has waited for nearly an hour in the airport. The passenger plane passed by Cold and Lei Zhenting finally arrived. She and Zhao Jun quickly came to pick up.

"Qian Yu!" After the end of the familiar voice, the blue thousands of feathers looked back, the night flames hit a small thousand wings, "Sorry, come late, is Mom and Lei Shu arrived?"

"It should be, what are you coming? Also with a thousand wings?" Blue Qian Yu is very unexpected.

"I want to pick you up, and I am worried that my family is chaotic. No one takes care of the thousand wings. I will bring him directly." The night flame held the thousand wings in one hand, and she watched the blue millennium. "Before the mother and the Mad became We played two days together in the sea. "

"Ah? Out of the sea?" Blue Qian Yu looked at him.

"Well, I have been quiet for a few days." Night flames, I said to Zhao Jun, "I will arrange myself to arrange it. You will call Qiao Qing. There is her, Xiao Qianyi is also awkward."

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