"Oh, okay, I will pick up her now." Zhao Jun was out of view, and he was able to play with Qiao Qing.

"You go back to pick up, by the way, let Grandpa." Night flames.

"If the old lady asked me, why do you have to go out at this time, how do I answer?" Zhao Jun asked uneasy, "Miss," Miss, is still sick, it seems to be some serious, and you don't take her to lawyers Do you have any procedures? "

"No." The night flame said faintly. "If the property is to make up for her, let her get angry at home, after she is sick, you will send her back."

"So the big profit will give her this?" Zhao Jun was shocked to open his eyes, "the money has great help to you now Dongshan ..."

"Money can earn again." Night flame smile, "But some things, I don't want to be entangled."

Zhao Jun stunned, nodded: "I understand!"

Night flaming is doing this, I want to have a relationship with Palace Yao Yao, and even if I sacrifice such a big property. It seems that he has already understood something, this is also a good thing. .

The lips of Blue Thousand are shallow and smile. She is very gratifying. She can understand the safety of the night flames care about the safety of the Yao Yao, and the important thing is that he will see the truth in such a short period of time. The waves return to the gold. !

"Then I will pick up the people." Zhao Jun said with a smile, "I called the phone on my way to prepare the yacht."

"Well .." Night flame nod.


Zhao Jun gone.

Blue Qian Yu finally said: "You do this, she may not understand."

"Even if this time doesn't understand, I will understand next time." Night flames sigh, "The feelings can't be reluctant, she can't put me to make me a sense of responsibility and embarrassment of her."

"But you really care about her." Blue Qian Yu looks deeply, "I saw her injured, your face changed."

"Even if there is no husband and girl, we are also a relative." The night flames seriously explained, "After all, I am a mother's life, I have made a vow for my aunt, no matter what happened, I can't do it. But I can't do anything. Qian Yu, I really don't have any men and women in my mind, you are the most important. "

"I understand." Blue Qianyu snuggled in the stalls of the night, "I just worry, we have experienced so many winds, it is hard to get together, I don't want to have any unexpected."

"I know, so I will simply solve this thing, I will not drag the shade again." Night flames stood her, "I believe me, everything will pass."

"I believe you!" Blue Qian Yu nodded.


Blue Qian Yu and Night flames have been waiting for a few minutes, cold if ice and Lei Zhen Ting come out, Lei Zhen Ting only brought two hands, the clothes supplies are very simple, and it is very low.

The two are particularly painful for Xiao Qianyi. If the cold, if the ice, the ice will come to the small wings, they will hold him, and Lei Zhen Ting also bought a gift.

Blue Qian Yu and Cold, if the two haven't met for a long time, there are a lot of words to talk, there are two people talking and laughing along the way, the night flames and Lei Zhen Ting are also talking about a big thing, the little thousand wings plug a few mouthfuls, atmosphere is very Harmonious.

I got on the car, and the night flames said to everyone: "Mom, Lei Shushu, we don't go home, go directly to the beach, I arranged a yacht, and a family played for a few days."

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