"Ah?" Cold Ruo is very unexpected. "Is there a lot of things to do now? Your grandfather is not good, and I heard that Qi Yao is coming back, we are going to play now, right?"

"There is nothing unsuitable, and the official thing is arranged. Grandpa has recently be very good, there is nothing in the family." Night flames said.

"Night flames are arranged in his own reason, we will be good." Lei Zhen Ting patted cold.

Cold, if the ice is looked at the blue millet, the blue millet is nodded, and if the cold does not say anything, just tease the little wings, chat with the little wings.


Zhao Jun returned to the night home to pick up Queqing, it was already ten o'clock in the morning. At this time, Gong Yao just woke up, the night old woman and Bao Wei still looked at her in the room, Zhao Jun said with Qiao Qing, Joe It's very happy, and it's horses that Little Tsu 's baggage is cleaning up the night flames and blue thousand feathers.

Zhao Jun went to the next room to find the night old ladies: "The old man, the big brother and Qian Yu have received the cold lady and Mr. Ray, he said that she wants to take them to play for a few days, let me go with Qiao Qing, so we will come back to pack your luggage. The two days of the family are you, Xiao Yun and Xiao Cui will take care of you, and the bodyguards of Qin family will protect you. "

"Ah? This time, the night flame is going to play? I didn't listen to it?" Bo Wei is very unexpected.

Gong Yao, who is lying on the bed, struggling to sit up, excited, is the "flame brother wants to go out? He knows that I am sick?"

"Know, he hugged you to bed, and call you a doctor." Zhao Jun said faintly.

"It's impossible, he knows that I have been so serious, why have you left?" Gong Yao is excited to shake, "Is it a blue thousand feather? Is it she wants to be wrapped with him??"

"Miss Palace, this is the meaning of the big brother." Zhao Jun was a bit impatient.

"It is impossible, it is impossible." Gong Yao shook his head, "He didn't say it, do you have to accompany me to a law firm this morning?"

"No." Zhao Jun's tone became cold, "the big brother said those property when it is compensated for you, don't need you to do it, let you get a disease at home, wait for you. I will send you back to France. "

Gong Yao is a horror, the eyes, incredible look at him, excited to make: "Do not do it? He, do he want to know with me?"

"Miss Palace, some things, everyone knows that it is good, there is no need to say it too clearly." Zhao Jun didn't want to care again, "said to the night, the old man said," The old man, I will go first, Mr. Bo, Mr. What is always called us. "

"Okay." Bao said, "Let's go, I will take care of the old man."

"Well, then I will go first." Zhao Jun turned around.

"No ..." Gong Yao turned down from the bed, pulled Zhao Jun, than the road, "I went to find a fume friend, I am going to find him."

"Miss Palace ..."

"What do you do to do? Is it troubled?" Qiao Qing's angry voice came, and Qi Yao lifted her.

"What do you do?" Qiao Qingcuizi-lauga, "I stood outside the door of the house last night, then I ran to the room to deliberate cold water to make myself cool, I want to pretend that you will stay, you can really Interesting, you think this will save his heart? You will only make him more tired of you. "

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