Blue Qian Yu is holding mobile phones, and the fire is rushing out from the bed room ...

Cold Ruo Bing and Qiao Qing have anxiously shouting behind: "Qian Yu, what do you want to do? You still have a pregnancy, don't impulsive."

People in the corridor look at them, Blue Qian Yu quickly rushed into the elevator, cold if ice and Qiao Qing chased from another elevator.

Several people have paid attention, then the little nurse went to the dark, calling this situation, reporting this situation to Wemai, Wenhai back to text messages: "Blue Qian Yu is not enough to suffer, stare at the night flame!"

"Yes." The little nurse returned to a sentence, walked to the corridor, quite randomly made a gesture, and those people retired silently, and they didn't pay attention to Blue Qianyu.


Blue Qian Yu came out of the elevator and did not take the main door, but ruling on the side door.

Cold if ice and Qiao Qing also run out from the elevator, while chasing behind, an anxious shouting -

"Qian Yu, what is wrong with the night flames and Zhao Jun, you can't act alone ..."

"Qiao Qing." Blue Qian Yu interrupted Qiao Qing's words, the bad drunk, "Grandpa has just passed away, the night flames are going to collapse, Zhao Jun is hurt again, how do they save the thousand wings? Qianyi is my son, I can't let him have something. "

"But you have a weak woman who has no longevity, what can you do ..."

"I already know the loss of the thousand wings, I just notified Qin General and Lei Shu, they will immediately come over and I will meet, I will not have something ..."

Said, Blue Qian Yu took a car.

Cold Ruo Bing and Qiao Qing hurried up: "To go to everyone, we can't let you go alone."

"You get off ..." Blue Qian Yu anxiously.

"Don't waste time, then there is a thousand wings, let's go, there is a photo of each other." Qiao Qing shouted, "driving, fast."

Blue Qian Yu saw that she can't persuaded them, I had to go to the car.

Ten black people who have lurking in the dark will be able to keep up with it, and call the warm sea, and at this time, the warm sea's mobile phone is not all ...

Because when I just got on the car, I saw this scene upstairs, and I saw this scene. I immediately sent a text message to the Director Harley: "Immediately stop the warmth of Wenhai from contacting the outside world."


Wen Jia, the people of Harley claim that the Wen Dynasty clothing was found, but the people who could not find the moderate charter. The Director Harley accused Wenhai hiding the Wenhai, and she took the warm sea back to help investigation, Wenhai Angry and angry, with him.

The Director Harley forced him to take him out of bed and broke his mobile phone.


Tracking Blue Thousand Featings as follows in the car -

"What happened? The owner's phone is not working?" Site, "Don't you do something?"

"No, the owner can be the political junior official, who dares to move him?"

"That's true."

"We do your own business, just listening to Blue Qian Yu and Cold Dialogue, maybe Qin Xiang they have mastered before, now the clue in Blue Qianfeng is true, we just want to follow her "

"What should I do with the night?"

"There are more than a dozen people on the upstairs staring at him, and we have stared at Blue Qian Yu."

"It's also right. Night old woman is dead, the night flames are grieved, I am afraid it will not be so fast, the blue thousands of feather is cut, private self-action, it is not surprising, we still follow the blue thousand lines."

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