Blue Thousands of success will latenner in the black man downstairs ...

The night flame is immediately leaving, Zhao Jun is not trick: "Big Brother, you are hurt, how can a person pay so many gangsters? I will go with you."

"No, you stay here to keep your grandfather, if you find a problem, you can handle it right away, don't worry about me, I won't have something."


"This is a command !!!" Night flames are highly low.

Zhao Jun did not dare to say more, only to lower the head, guarded at the door.

The night flame climbed from the window, and opened a car to go to the night. Thunder Ting's two officers have been laid in the woods at night and the cold border, staring at Bart and others ... ...

Now two in the morning, they haven't come yet, the two officers have long and horizontally, continue to be patient.

Night flames with mobile phones, no active contact Bad, just want them to take the initiative.

Wen Jia is chaotic, and Harley Director has dragged the warm sea, and Wenhai can't do it. However, the Harley's hand has given the head of Harley last time Deman, the Director Harley knows that he can't be dragged too long, hope Night flames they complete the plan as soon as possible.

Qin Xiang and Lei Zhen Ting were still searching in the seaside, almost turned over the South China Sea, did not find the thread, but they still did not give up.

More than 30 of the Wenhaipai went in the dark, he was squatted in the dark, cold and hungry, I want to call asked about how to do the next step in the sea, the warm sea phone does not fight, their morale gradually collapsed.

Lei Zhenwei looked at the time, almost ...

He made a look, and Qin Xiang was placed casually went to him. Thunder Ting said whispered: "I will open some people, you bring you some other followed, Then mix with me. "

"Ah? You will be too dangerous alone?" Qin Xiang was not very rest assured, if it is Lei Zhen Ting, he can't afford it.

"No." Lei Zhenting left these two words, directly on the shore.

Although Qin Xiang is uneasy, but it does not dare to think about it, and we will continue to find.

Soon, Lei Zhen Ting opened a car, and Qin Xiang also pretended to chase: "Thunder, where do you go? Lei Minister ??"

"Lei Zhen Ting may have a clue in another, keep up with it."

Wemewood immediately sent half of the horse to chase the thunder, only fifteen people stared at Qin Xiang.

After Lei Zhen Ting attached to those people, Qin Xiang horses made a gesture, and his hand immediately dried the gun to solve the rest of the way ...

Before the Wemewood, Bart, Harry, and the Wen Dynasty, they still have a bit of power. Now people are all in some contrast, holding money, do not say much, don't say too much.

Qin Xiang's hand quickly won the partner, collecting their weapons to twisted them to the police station.

Qin Xiang took a few people to chase Zhenying, but received the call from Lei Zhen Ting: "Don't chase it, I have already taken them, they should go back to you, you will go directly to Wen Jia, just find anything reason The excuse is also awkward, and the Director Harley can't pay. "



Qin Xiang rushed to Wen Jia, less than five minutes, the rest of the warm home came to chase him, and Qin Xiang also received a text message from Harley: "Durong came, I will pay Can't, how are you? "

Qin Xiang said in an admiration: "Lei Zhen Ting is really a god !!!!"

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