"What about Qin?"

"Qin always has no trouble, sent a lawyer to give a bail on the night, he rushed back to the hospital."

"it is good."


Hanging the phone, Lei Zhen Ting will send the two kids to the police officer, drive a thousand wings back to the hospital, on the road, he is talking to Qin Xiang: "Qin, I have been saved, you can solve it now The hospital's eyeliner. "

"Understand." Qin Xiang just returned to the hospital, he had called out the supervisory phase, found all the suspicious elements, only waiting for the little killer to be saved, you can launch actions.

Now I will receive the news, he immediately lets work, clear all the eyelve, directly to the police station half an hour, then the whole hospital, full of the night's own service, not allow any leisurely hater, etc.

After the matter is complete, Lei Zhen Ting also rushed to the hospital, and the hospital immediately arranged a doctor for a small war.

At this time, the old man didn't need to be killed again. Thunder Ting commanded Zhao Jun and Qin Xiang to stay in the hospital to protect the small wings and nights of the old man, and he himself took the two parts of the converged airport to save the night flame……


At the same time, Bad's car has already opened the airport international waterway, and the night flames urgently urged: "I quickly put my son."

"Your son is in the night villa, waiting for me to inform my brother, you will notify you the people to save him."

Bart is cold and glanced at him. When I went to the next two brothers, but how did the phone don't do it, he is very uneasy.

"Do you have both two of them?" A brother said anxiously, "If we let us go first, you can't get it."

"Do you have to leave them? This is not very good."

"However, if we don't go, everyone can't walk, then there is no other cloth, and we have to hurry to take us to leave, otherwise everyone will die together."

"It is also ..."

The brothers have some entanglement, that is, I want to leave early, and I don't want to leave another two brothers. After all, they are all together.

"Bart, what should you say? We listen to you." The brothers finally handed the decision to Bart.

Bart has not stopped calling the two brothers, how can he don't do it, he thought about it, helplessly said: "Just, Hide is right, Night flaming must have other cloths, night long dreams, now the police, night home , Wen Jia, Qin family is looking for us, if we don't go, you can only die together. Although I don't want to throw the Carter, but now I am inhau helpless, as long as we live, I will escape, after still Have the opportunity to make up. "

"What are you waiting for, hurry." Brothers urgently urged.

Bad turned and stared at night flames: "Now, take us out."

"What about my son? I haven't sure my son is safe, I can't take you." The night flamested, "You said, as long as we arrive at the airport, you will put my son."

"Less fuck gave me garlic." Bart was angry, "I have two brothers to stay in your son, now there is no contact, must be killed by your people, your mother has a cloth, still in front of us ? "

"Fart, you don't want to fulfill your promise, just find an excuse." Night flamested anger, "I told you, my son didn't return to the hospital, I don't go."

"You now take us out of the country, otherwise I am shot at you." Bart took the gun against the head of the Night Flag.

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