"I fire." The night flames did not show Bart, "killing me, don't want to escape, big deal."

"You ..." Bart is angry, directly bucking the board machine, "You really think that I don't dare to kill you?"

"Big brother, don't." Hetra live Bart's hand, "killing him, we have no chips. He just wants to know his son's life, you let him call, if he dares to play. Kill is not too late. "

"Yeah, big brother, let him make a call, if his son is really saved, we also know how Carter's drops." Another brother also advised.

Bart hesitated, and finally, it is still a compromise, and handles the mobile phone to Night flames: "Without my command, my brother will not move your son, you now call your family, if your son didn't go back, then he still At night, you will take him. If your son has returned, hey ... "

Bad Yinsen's laughter, "then prove that you have a plan for me, send people to kill my brother, save your son. This account, I will count with you."

The night flames were coldly glanced at him, took a mobile phone, dialed Thunder Ting's phone, the phone quickly turned on -

"Hey!" Lei Zhenting's voice came.

Bad immediately grabbed mobile phone, open hands-free ...

The night flame brow is wrinkled, and the heart is asked: "Uncle Lei, is me, is it a thousand wings to save?"

The night flame is very nervous, he hopes that the thousand wings are rescued, but if Lei Zhen Ting really said that the thousand wings were saved, the Bart must be angry, and the night flames want to escape.

However, the night flames are lucky, and the reason why he chose to Lei Zhen Ting, that is because Lei Zhen Ting is a police alarm, the reaction is very fast, maybe, he will know what to say, that is, the real answer, will not attack Batter .

"Night flaming ??? Where are you? I hit your mobile phone, I can't tell you, I can't contact you, I can die." Lei Zhen Ting said anxiously, "How is the situation? Are you meeting with Bart? Have you rescued the thousand wings ??? His body is not good, we are all worried about him. "

When I heard this sentence, Bad came to face each other. It turned out that the child had not been saved. Where did the Carter have? Why do you lose contact?

Night flames are dark in their hearts, and Shushu is so smart. I am now with Bart them. The situation is very dangerous, so deliberately confused, listening to me.

He clearly knows my actions, but it seems that I don't know anything, and my mobile phone has been driving, but he said shutdown. He deliberately said that there should be a thousand wings. .

The night flame is relieved, but I don't dare to show it. I still put it in an urgent point: "Thousands of wings in the night villa, you have taken people to save him ..."

"He is not, I have been found." Lei Zhen Ting said, "You can take the thousands of wings in the night home, so I have been looking for a thousand wings in the morning, but the thousand wings Has been taken away by others, there is a corpse in the villa. It is the brother of Bart. There is a person who is gone, I checked it, the people in Wenhai arrived there, should be he grabbed the brothers of the thousand wings and Bart, and kill His brother. "

"What ?? Wenhai caught the thousand wings ???" The emotions of the night flames are very excited.

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