Qin Xia was completely disappointed with Xiao Han, not because he abandoned her, and ran back to save the sea, but because he didn't have the courage to rely on her, but he felt that he did not explain it to her ...

Anyway, Qin Xia has already understood that she is really ending with Xiao Han's fate.

Perhaps, I have already arrived, and she is not willing to be willing.

Thinking, Qin Xia's tears fell down, but the lips raised the beauty and smile, hand, desperate slight ...

"Miss Qin, Miss Qin ..." Si Hui shouted a few times in the phone, seeing without any response, I had to hang up the phone, she long sigh, I thought about it, I sent a text message to Qin Xia, "Miss Qin," Miss Qin, "Miss Qin The owner is still very concerned, but the new York is really anxious. He has to go back, wait for him to handle things, come to you, you will be at ease, don't think too much. "

Si Hui can only do it here, holding mobile phones to go out, go to the car, Xiao Han is operating mobile phone, do not ask Qin Xiya's response, it seems that there is no similar thing.

Si Hui said: "The master, I have already called Qin Miss."

"Well." Xiao Han low should be.

"She, it seems very sad." Si Hui said, "Do you want ..."

"Don't be noisy." Xiao Han brows wrinkled.

Si Hui didn't dare to quarrel again, and I got an eye on his mobile phone. I found that he was sending text messages to Wen Hai: "You and the battle of the night flame, I will help you, but I just ask you to put a thousand feathers, she is my favorite Woman !!! "

Seeing this text message, the Si Hui is trembled, the original thing is now, Xiao Han's heart is always left to Blue Qianyu, never changed.

He rushed back to New York, not just for the warm sea, it was also for Blue Qianfeng.

He worried that the warm sea is alone, he will hurt the blue millet, he doesn't want to cause such a tragedy, so it is also decided to go back, and even do not hesitate.

Si Hui hangs the eye, from the heart sympathy with Qin Xia, the most cruel thing in this world is probably love, let life are not as good as death, want to stop.

Qin Xia thought that he had got a happy love. She has married with Xiao Han. There is a child, and there have been a love. Everyone thinks that they will eventually go to the end, but after the peak is turned, they don't love. Love, even if you pay everything, it's just a dream, and you will lose ...


USA, New York.

Harley Director rushed to the ward of Wemewei, officially arrested the sea -

"Temperature, we doubt that you are related to a few hi murder cases, please go back to help the survey, you can't talk now, but everything you say will become a holiday card!"

There is no half of the temperature in the warm sea, still leaning on the bed, quietly staring at the text message on the phone, the mood is like a five flavor, it is not a taste ...

In the past, Wemewood always felt that Xiao Han didn't look like him, character, love concept, is very different. He lifted all his life, only for a woman, when he died, he lonely half-life, never found another woman;

And Xiao Han, change the woman, such as changing clothes, swim in the flowers, never stopped, even the marriage is not in place, from time to time, the peach blossom news, now divorce, although Qin Xiya is also responsible, but There is no real feeling nostalgia.

Until this moment, I saw this SMS, and Wenhai knew that those who were just a surface. The people who have been deeply loved by Xiao Han have been blue thousand, never changed. .

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