"Hey ..." Wenhai deeply sighed, silent for a moment, finally said to the Director of Harley next to Harley, "I decided to revoke a complaint against Blue Qianyu, you put her."

Harley Director was slightly. He didn't think of it. At this time, Wenhai will actually say this, what makes him change my idea?

Blue Qian Yu is his last chip, now the night flames are eager to make a do a way to save blue thousand feathers, but his things have not yet been made, and Wenhai decided to let go. .

How is this going?

"I don't like to owe others." Wenhai said softly, "The night flames me live, I put his wife once, we will not be owed by each other."

"You still have some humanity." Harley Director smiled slightly. "I will let go later, now, you will take a trip to us."

"Do you have evidence?" Wenhai ridiculed the laughter, "even if Bad announced, it is not enough to order my sin."

"Can you order your sin, it is our matter, you don't worry, but you are now used as a major suspect, but you can't lying in the hospital like a model sample, you have to go to the police station slowly."

The Director Harley waved, and the two medical care came in to warm the coat, put him from the wheelchair, and the Director Harley personally pushed him out.

Wemewood did not resist, he is amazing, but it is also a country ...


Night flames received the call of Harley, saying that Wenhai had a challenge, he was very shocked, immediately rushed to the police station with Qin Xiang and others, at this time, Harley Democratic has already made a good procedure for Blue Qianfeng.

"Qian Yu!" Night flames ran in the arrow, holding blue thousand feathers, "Are you okay?"

"Nothing." Blue Qian Yu shook his head, was eager to confirm, "The thousand wings have been saved?"

"Save it back, he kept Mommy." Night flames have a distressed, "you see you, your eyes are like a panda, didn't sleep last night?"

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, "Although Harley Director sent people to say that the thousand wings were nothing, I was still very worried, he was not good, it was so frightened, it must be very scared, there is you, With those bad people, I don't know if there is anything, I don't work hard, how to sleep. "

"Fool, everything is over, it's okay." Night flame kissed the forehead of the blue and thousands of feathers, "We go home !!!"



"Wenhai, you have today?" "Qin Xiang's sneak came.

Night flames and Blue Thousands looked back, a policeman pushed to Wenhai from the interrogation room, and the gauze was covered with the sea head, her face was pale, and the color was very poor. The whole person looked weak and fell, just now officially gave him a video, interrogation In case, he will now send him to the prison medical office to imprisonment.

There is such a big thing, there is no one around Wenhai, and there is no lawyer who will run for him. It's unlikely, I have not arrived in the past, I haven't respond to Qin Xiang's ridicule. The Wemewood has not responded, just closed his eyes, wait for deal with.

"As you have this kind of person, I should have to go to hell." Qin Qiang hated it into an anger, "You rest assured, we will continue to search for your criminal evidence until you are sentenced to death."

Wemewood still didn't speak, as if Qin Xiang is not him.

"Let's go." Night flames said to Qin Xiang.

Qin Xiang is cold in the warm sea, leaving with the night flames and blue millet ...

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