Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1318, the favorite 3 in life 3

The night flames can't stand back and looked at it. The police made a handcuffs in Wenhai. The warm sea kept cough, the air was not allowed to breathe, the physical condition is very unproc, see him like this, the night flame is not exemption, one person No matter how scented, when you fall, it is the same wolf.

So, people, don't do bad things, otherwise I will be reported later.


I got on the car, Qin Xiang was excited to say: "I saw this look of Wemewood, my heart is really happy, this old animal, doing so many injuries, it is not enough."

Night flames and Blue Qian Yu did not speak, the mood of the two is very heavy.

Qin Xiang didn't care about their reaction. He told Wemewhered sea, and then said: "The words will come back, the Wemewhat will expect it to have an accident, but actually burn the account. Let's search for a whole day in his family, and what the clue is not found. "

"He is not so stupid, naturally will not leave evidence at home." The night flame said faintly. "In fact, it is not difficult to find the evidence of bribery. I believe that Harley can find evidence, we are now It is necessary to find out that he is the evidence that Han Xiu City hurts your lady and your, that is, at least a few years. "

"That thing has been more than two years, can you still find out?" Qin Xiang frowned, "Wenhai I have already destroyed evidence."

"Han Xiu City is not to say when he is dead, is his hand in Wenhai? Wenhai has been looking for those evidence, but unfortunately, I have never found it, I think there is still the existence, otherwise the Water Sea will not be so nervous." Blue Qian Yu Say.

"Just because that the so-called evidence is harmed by We." Qin Xiang deep sighs, mention Qin Wei, his mood became sad.

"Yes, how is Qin Wei's condition? Is it better?" Blue Qian Yu asked softly, "I listen to my mother says that if the condition is complete, the psychiatrist for her treatment is quite Well, do you want to introduce you? "

"I know, your mother also told me." Qin Xiang said, "After two days, I went to see the doctor in two days, if I went to see the doctor, I would hire her a psychologist. "

"That's good." Blue Qianfei nodded, "said that after Weier accident, we have taken a lot of things in the second, we have been divorted, and there is no chance to visit her."

"It doesn't matter." Qin Xiang said, "She is now very unstable, you are pregnant, I am afraid you will hurt you, you still don't want to be good, wait for her to say it later."



"Kingling Bell ..." Suddenly, Qin Xiang's mobile phone rang, seeing call display, is Qin Xiya, he quickly answering the phone, "Xia!"

"Hey, I have a special plane, wait back to New York, probably tomorrow." Qin Xia's voice is low.

"Ah? How do you go back to the United States this time this time?" Qin Xiang said eagerly, "Your expected date is coming soon, I will go to Switzerland for you."

"No, I can't stay in a day. I will go back now. I have to go back to my child." Qin Xia cried, "I don't want to stay in this strange place, I have to go home."

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