"Xia, what's wrong with you? Is it Xiao Han that born eggs and hurt your heart?"

Qin Xiang immediately knew that Xiao Han went to Switzerland to find Qinshiya, he is only a blind eye to the eye.

Qin Xia went to Switzer in so long, he has been in Xia Han, depressed all day, and depression is getting more and more serious.

At that time, Qin Xiang didn't know Xiao Han to Switzerland. At that time, he had some doubts, but Xiao Han said that he was going to deal with business, Qin Xiang did not think more. On the same day, Xiao Han returned for the Wemeworthy. I didn't have two days later, I went to Switzerland.

Qin Xiang knows, he is going to find Qin Xia.

Qin Xiang pretended to be unaware, that is, if you want to give Xiao Han, I have changed the opportunity to change myself. This afternoon, he called Qin Xia, saying that this is soon solved, and then take care of her in the past, personally Foreigon is born.

At that time, Qin Xia was still very happy, saying that there were so many people accompanying her, she was no longer afraid.

Qin Xiang knows that there are so many people that she say is that he and Xiao Han, the two most important relatives in her life.

Pregnant women are sensitive and fragile, and a little bit is enough for her a long time ...

But I didn't expect it, I only a few hours, Qin Xia fell from heaven to hell, her crying came from the phone, so that Qin Xiangxin worried.

"He went back, and he didn't ring back to New York. We were completely finished, and it could no longer be compounded." Qin Xia cried tremble.

"Xiao Han this mix !!!!" Qin Xiang is burning, the fist is holding it, "Since he doesn't sincere, why do you want to go to Switzerland to find you? You have promised him to give him a chance, he I retired, what did he treat you? I hurt you once again, I will never let him. "

When I heard these words, the mood of Blue Qian Yu became very heavy. Xiao Han is more unliked. He knows that Xia has depression, and it is about to be born. Now it is the most vulnerable and most helpless, he How can I leave her no matter?

I will hold people in the paradise at once, and suddenly, how painful this loss is, don't he understand?

The night flames are frightened, Xiao Han is really no sense of responsibility for the feelings. He is doing this, it will only be harmful, and the last thing is not available. .

"Hey, I can't support it, I want to go home, I don't want to stay here ..."

"Xia, you listen to me ..." Qin Xiang is anxious to persuade, "You are going to be born," International Airlines do not allow you to take long-distance special planes, you will wait, for a few days Go to Switzerland to find you. "

"No, I don't want someone to stay here, I am so sad, I can't sleep, I can't eat it, my body is very uncomfortable, I am afraid that the child will not ..."

Qin Xia's emotion is going to collapse. After receiving the phone call from Si Hui today, she has been crying in the room. Now a few hours, tears are going to be dry. Her psychology is greatly blown, it is no longer Strong disguise. .

"Xia, you don't do this, don't be scared." Qin Xiang was a hurry changed.

"Qin always, let me say with Xia." Blue Qianyu said softly.

"Good." Qin Xiang hurriedly handed the mobile phone to the blue thousand, "You help me persuade her."

Blue Qian Yu took the mobile phone, said to Qin Xiya on the phone, "Xia, I went to Switzerland to accompany you, with the thousand wings to find you, okay?"

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