Joe is ashamed, walking in front.

Zhao Jun's heart is thrilling, like a wood, standing in the same place, looking at her back, there is no movement, blushing to the ear, nervous, there is no breathing.

Qiao Qing took a while, no one was followed, so he went back to him: "Why don't you go?"

Zhao Jun looked at her clear face, with a shy smile, my heart was impulsive, and suddenly hugged her, kissed her hard ...

Zhao Jun has never had experience, this is the first time to the girl's heart, the first time with the girl has intimate contact, his kiss is awkward, but with a bite, like him, like him.

Qiao Qing is also a first kiss. In the face of Zhao Jun's impulse, she did not know what he didn't know. When he kissed, she was shocked, now her heart is almost jumped almost jumped out.

But soon, she closed her eyes and sank in Zhao Jun's enthusiasm ...

They all know that this is simple and purely feeling is true love. .


After a night, in the morning, the weather finally became fine.

The sky is like being washed, the sky is too clear, and it is clear and breathe.

Blue Qianyu got up early, prepared a rich breakfast, a family of three, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Qiao Qing and Zhao Jun did not sleep late last night, so I will sleep more this morning. Anyway, I will take off for 11 o'clock. They will go to the airport at ten o'clock.

"Night, the night wife." At this time, the private doctor of the night home Han Qing came over with a medicine box, "I will change medicine for Xiao Shaoyi."

"Hard work!" Said the night flames, "give them some medicine, take special machine."

"I know, rest assured." Han Qing rushed him slightly smile, personally gave a small killer.

The little wings are young, but they are brave, but also to them: "Mommy, you see, I am not afraid."

"Millennium is really awkward." Blue Qianfeng looked at him, "There is nothing uncomfortable? Remember to say to Han doctor."

"Well." Xiao Qianyi nodded.

"Outlet, you ask Mommy, have you received a condense." Night flame reminded.

"Oh." Blue Qian Yu is called cold if it is cold, and I haven't dial it out. If the cold is cold, "Qian Yu!"

"Mom!" Blue Qian Yu asked, "Do you pick up?"

"I received it." Cold, if it is light, "but she refused to go home."

"Hey ..." Blue Qian Yu is somewhat lost, it seems that Shen Coicheng is still refused to forgive her, and he does not want to see them.

"You don't think about it." Cold if the ice is comfortable, "Jike only feels that he has done a lot of wrong things, but also hurts the little wings, so I don't know how to face you."

"I can't say that, those things are because of us, she is also a victim." Blue Qian Yu said, "Mommy, since she fails, how do you arrange the afternoon? Have a long time. "

"I will stay with her in the hospital, I will go to the airport in the afternoon, I will not send you, you have to be careful."

"It's good. Then we will wait directly, wait for Leigh's marriage, you must inform us in time, we will return to Hong Kong immediately."

"Well, we are waiting for you in Hong Kong."

"Then I hang, I will say it for me."


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