Hanging up the phone, Blue Qian Yu said to Night flame: "They are here, just stay in the hospital, go directly to the airport in the afternoon."

"Also, save it, it is very hard." Night flames smiled at her, "You, don't think about it, the sick is just good, are you not afraid that she is stimulated?"

"Oh, I know." Blue Qianyu smiled, "If it is not coming, then we go to see Qin Wei, after she did something, we have never visited her, Qin always helped us More, I am very embarrassed. "

"But Qin Wei is now very serious, I am afraid that she will hurt you." Night flames have some concerns.

"You are, there will be no things." Blue Qianfeng pinned his cheek.

"It's also right." The night flames hold her hand, "I gave Qin always called Qin. If he is at home, we have passed."

"it is good."


Night flames called Qin Xiang, Qin Xiang was about Louis Capricant's talk about business, but the Louis Earl didn't sleep last night, sleep this morning, so the trip was canceled, and the heart of Cold, and the doctor introduced the doctor has arrived in Qin. Home, Qin Xiang is just at home, and discusses Qin Wei's medical solution with the doctor.

The night flame and Blue Thousand are now driveing, and the Xiao Qianyi is handed over to Zhao Jun.

All the way, the night flames have seriously affected: "After Qin Wei's accident, the psychology has been greatly hit, and the depression is full of goodness; sometimes there is a lot of aggressive, waiting for you to stay away from her, don't close She, know? "

"Know, rest assured." Blue Qian Yu said, "I just do my best."



When I arrived at Qinjia, it was already eight o'clock. Because it was 10 o'clock to go to the airport, they didn't want to stay too long. I chatted with Qin Xiang. I took Blue Qian Yu to visit Qin Wei.

Qin Xiang remembered this daughter, and the mood is very embarrassing. "" Wei's condition did not improve, no matter how much hurt from the psychology or from the body, I don't know if I can cure. "

"Qin always, don't be so pessimistic, she will definitely be better." Blue Qian Yu comforted.

"Hope so ..."

Qin Xiang did not finish it, and the medical room not far away came to the scream, "Don't come over, don't come over, don't ----"

Qin Wei's voice with endless fear, from here, can imagine the scene when Qin Wei is hurt, is really sad.

Three people suddenly fell, and the mood couldn't help but be heavy. Qin Xiang is even more sad: "Poor Weier ..."

Blue Qian Yu doesn't know how to comfort him, and the night flame is filled with independence: "The fever of the Water Sea is really a heart."

"Yes, so I can't let him get a good end." Qin Xiang died with fists, biting his teeth, "I want him to pay for blood."

"Miss, you don't have excited, big lady, big lady ..." The confusing voice in the medical room, no one in a while, a medical care is rushing to run out, "The big lady wants suicide, come in and help!"

As we rushed in, Qin Xiang also rushed in, and the blue thousand Yu had to keep up, but the night flames slammed her. "You still have a big belly, you have to be careful!"

"Let's take a look." Blue Qian Yu is very worried.

"You have to stand behind." The night flames carefully lick her and walked together.

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