"Time is not early, you still have to catch the plane, go back early, I will not accompany you." Qin Xiang stood up, "I want to take the shiny clothing of the might, she will make the size every time. Enabled ... "

When I said this, Qin Xiang's voice was swallowed, and the tears couldn't help down.

The tears of Blue Thousands also flow again, Qin Wei's condition is much more serious than her imagination, it is no wonder that Qin Xiang is so worried, it seems to be ten years old in a month.

The night flame is low, it is very bad in my heart, but I don't know what to say.

Blue Qian Yu wipes tears, whispered: "I will help you, women's things, I am more familiar, you are not convenient."

"It's too much trouble." Qin Xiang took a breath, "" There is a maid to help me, you don't have to worry, let's go back. "

"Let me do something for her, so my heart will be good."

Blue Qian Yu is very insisted, she really wants to do something for Qin Wei, even if she is only looking for clothes, can represent her heart.

"Well, I will take you up." Qin Xiang nodded and went upstairs.

Night flames with blue thousands of feathers follow.


Qin Wei's room is luxurious and elegant. She used a very tasteful woman. I like to use good things, even very small decorations are valuable luxury.

After she left, Qin Xiang still let the servant come over to clean up, so that the room keeps the same, there is no change.

The wall hanging Qin Wei's style is hung. At that time, her youthful vitality, full confidence, who once thought she would be so far.

Blue Thousands can't help but sigh, people, really can't do bad things, otherwise it will be punished by a hundred times, it is terrible.

"Wardrobe there." Qin Xiang pointed to the inlaid wardrobe at the bedroom.

"Okay, I will take it, just do underwear?" Blue Qian Yu asked softly.

"Well." Qin Xiang nodded.

"Qian Yu, I am waiting for you here." Night flames with Qin Xiang standing on the sofa of the room in the room.

"it is good."


Blue Qian Yu came to Qin Wei's bedroom to find her laundry.

It is worthy of the daughter of the aristocrat, Qin Wei's clothing supplies is very regular, there is a special cabinet placed in underpersant.

Blue Qian Yu quickly found, took a few sets out in bed, remembered that the weather was getting cold, and gave her a few of the close clothes, then closed the door, put the clothes in the bed. Qi Qi, In the bag, it is preparing to leave, but inadvertently discover the photo frame on the bedside table on the bedside table.

Out of curiosity, Blue Qian Yu put the photo frame, see a photo, she can't help but be slightly, it is a photo of Qin Wei and Han Xiucheng. The two people on the photo are happy and sweet, and the brilliant smile is filled. Intimate hugs together, the gentle and affectionate look.

Blue Qian Yu recalls the past, can't help but feel thousands, although Han Xiu City deceived Qin Wei, but they used to love each other? ? ?

Otherwise, how can Qin Weier sad because of his loss? ? Han Xiu City will not put that important evidence in Qin Wei.

evidence? ? ?

The word flashes from the mind, the blue millet is not allowed to be trembled, it is said that the evidence of Wenhai before, and Han Xiu City is in the future. He didn't finish it. Maybe the evidence is not given to Qin Wei, just Hidden in her room?

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