However, where is evidence?

Blue Qian Yu is coming around, watching this luxurious room, there is no bottom in my heart, the evidence should be a small thing in a chip or CD, this room is so big, how do she find it?

"Qian Yu, packed up?" The voice of the night flame came.

Blue Qian Yu was scared, the photo frame in his hand accidentally fell to the ground, she flustered and went to the waist, but saw a sparkling little thing, she took a closer look, it was a small chip, and quickly picked up: "It turned out Here ... ah ... "

Her hands are accidentally scored by glass slag, bloodless flow ...

"Qian Yu!" The night flames ran over, and hit her hand, "You are nothing. What happened?"

"Nothing." Blue Qianyu said with madness, "You see, this chip should be the criminal evidence of Wemai."

"Crime evidence?" The night flame was very unexpected, and he took a look at it, and the horror opened his eyes, "this is a computer chip.

"Click on the computer to see." Blue Qian Yu is anxious.

"What?" Qin Xiang heard the voice.

"Computer chip, it is very likely to be a criminal evidence of Water Sea hidden by Han Xiu City." Blue Qian Yu said, "Han Xiu City said before the death of the evidence ... After he didn't finish it, I always thought it was Give Qin Wei, now think about it, it is in the room of Wei. "

"Hurry and see." Qin Xiang immediately took the computer.

The night flame connects the chip to the computer. If you look at the information, it is the video recording of Han Xiu City crime before Wenhai. All are taken, and there are some information on recorded pieces and accounts.

"It's really old days, I thought that this evidence couldn't find it. At this time, let us find these evidence." Qin Xiang excited.

"This will not escape." Night flames are also excited, "Tianyi, so say, due to retribution, it is not not reported, it is just not arrived!!!"

"Wenhai fee is trying to find his criminal evidence, even if he hurts Wei, but he didn't think of it. The original evidence was in this obvious place ..." Blue Qian Yu is emotion, "" It's a poor Weier, She is probably not knowing this evidence behind this frame, and she is not hurt, it is too pitiful. "

"Don't say this first, your hand is hurt, I will pack you." The night flames hit the hands of Blue Qian Yu, asked Qin Xiang, "Qin, is there a medicine box?"

"Yes, I will give you." Qin Xiang quickly took a medicine box.

The night flames treated the wound, Qin Xiang still listened to those evidence information, and the heart was so sad: "This Qin Xiang is really a heart, in order to revenge nighttime, even pull us Qin Jiashui, what is the wrong thing in Qin family? ? Is it so late? "

"Sorry, Qin always, I have been tired of you." Night flaming is very embarrassed.

"Don't blame you, I have to be strange to be too stupid, was used by Han Xiu City, so that the warm sea is organic." Qin Xiang clenched the fist, biting his teeth, "Wenhai, I will never let you, I Let you pay double price !!!! "

Looking at the Qin Xiang this look, the heart is very uneasy, the United States is not a death penalty, Qin Xiang definitely will not let the Wemeworry just sit still so simple ...

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