Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1335, when the report is reported 4

Xiao Han waited for more than three hours in the door of the police station to visit the police station.

He is irritating, and the Si Hui let him wait too long. Si Hui has not stopped saying "I'm sorry", but no one knows how many thought she spent, and I didn't give it a thoughts. I used three hours to fight for three. Minute time.

Xiao Han saw Wenhai in the prison, and he couldn't believe that as a suspect, Wenhai was forced to wear a handcuffs, because he was sick, he sat in a wheelchair, and he was in prison police, and wearing a gray compassionate, his face is pale Such as paper, the eyes are filled with blood, the hair is also very messy, but a warm smile is smiling.

"Come!" Simple two words, but the heart of Xiao Han was shaking.

Xiao Han was holding his fist, looking sad with him ...

Wemewood looks light and light, as if not cares about his current situation, but Xiao Han knows that this kind of people who have seen the face of color in Wenhai may endure such a descending? ?

He is high in the past, suddenly falling into hell, this kind of drop, has been tortured him.

"How do you look at me? Sit." Wenhai smiled at Xiao Han, "We only have three minutes, you should say it well, otherwise it will be wasted."

"Three minutes?" Xiao Han brows wrinkled, his fist was again held again, "What did Si Hui do?"

"Don't blame her." Wenhai is seriously reminded, "Just three minutes of the Si Hui suffered hard, she is loyal to you, you have to be good to her."

"Don't say these nonsense." Xiao Han is irritating, "Now the lawyer said that all evidence is very disadvantageous to you, what do you plan?"

"Don't worry, they can't tell me." Wemewood has a bamboo.

"At this time, you can't tell you," Xiao Han, looked at him, "Those things you do, you know, you know I know, there are still many people, now I have evidence I found it, do you think you can freely release? Are you too big? "

"You come around today, is it to humiliate me?" Wenhai frowned to see him, "Xiao Han, you will not be shocked, Taishan collapsed before, but now, now, you are very dry, this is not good."

"I also know that this is not good." Xiao Han clenched his fist, biting his teeth said, "I think that your business is annoying, I really don't want to manage you, but ..."

"Sorry, let you worry." Wenhai is low, "I have never done anything for you, but now I am worried about you, I feel very apologized, but I hope you don't care about me. , I really, I will solve myself, as long as you take care of Xia, let your child born ... "

"Do you solve ??? How do you solve it?" "Xiao Han's annoying," I have long advised you to do so much injuries, you just don't listen, let me say what I said as the ear, now Finally planted. "

Wemewood low, and the word did not send.

Although he never feels all the people you do, Xiao Han wants him to scold him, he can only listen, who makes him even tired him.

"Hey ..." Xiao Han sighed, "Forget, now I haven't used it, I will try to reduce you, then send people to take care of you in the prison, I will do anything more, I don't do anything. Australian, I will find a way to let you put it in advance. "

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