Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1336, when the report is reported 5

"You want to be true." Wenhai deeply looked at Xiao Han, "I always thought you hate me, I hate me, I don't want to talk to me, but now, I know, actually You care about me ... "

"Leading these words." Xiao Han was impatiently interrupted his words, solemnly warned, "You have cleared the law, harming people, even if you die, you can't pay attention to you owe the night and Qin family. But if you are my father, I will not let them move you, I will keep your life, but I will say it again, you don't have anything more, you must Anan copy, wait for my news, know ??? "

There is no talk in Weminghai, and there is no nod, just quietly looked at Xiao Han, and there is a complex ray in the eyes.

"I talked to you, you have heard it?" Xiao Han bite low, "I should say it."

"Hear it." Wenhai smiled slightly, "Thank you !!"

"Time to!" At this time, the prison police reminded.

"True fucking on time." Xiao Han was cold and looked at the prison. "You have heard it, look at him, if he is there, I only ask."

The prison guard frowned, very uncomfortable, but did not dare to provoke Xiao Han, only have to go through the Wenhai.

Wenhai is complicated to Xiao Han. There is crystal tears in the eyelids. In the year of birth, you can see Xiao Han so concerned about him. He is full of satisfaction.

There is no white living in this life.


After Xiao Han left the police station, the mood was more heavy.

I used to really hate Wenhai, and even see him, I thought I was bother, but now, I saw that the warm sea is like this, and he is really uncomfortable, like a jack of boulder, especially uncomfortable. .

People sometimes are guilty. When they are around, they will read it, they really lose, they know regret.

When the blue thousand Yu is, it is then the same for Qin Xia, and it is true for Wenhai ...

Now think about it, if Xiao Han grates this father, more flowers, don't think about him, maybe he may think about it.

Unfortunately, the tragedy is now made, he is unable to change, and he can only find ways to save.

"Master, let's go home." Si Hui said softly.

Home? After listening to this word, Xiao Han's belusing, then nodded.

From the starting car, you will go.

Xiao Han looked at the night scene outside the window, it was very confused, this bustling city is so big, where is his home? The so-called home, although luxury, but empty, no life, where is it home? ? ?

Xiao Han closed his eyes and made his heart indulge. .

"The master is the night." The voice of Si Hui interrupted Xiao Han's thoughts.

Xiao Han opened his eyes, turned his head, and there were two cars outside the restaurant, and the night flames came down from Lamborghini. The other car came down was the Louis Earl, and the two smiled and touched. Folk, there is something to go in, the atmosphere looks particularly harmonious, just like two long-awaited friends.

Xiao Han looked at their back, frowned tightly, they used to die, how can they become friends now?

Night flame this bastard, what is the ability, why do there so many friends? ? ?

Why, I don't ... no.

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