"I didn't expect nightclubs, and Louis, the Route, it is so good, it is really unexpected." Si Hui said the idea of ​​Xiao Han.

Xiao Han received his eyes, the cold command: "Express."

"Yes." As with acceleration, the car is rushing.


Night flames and Louis, I just came to the box, I received a call from Harley. Harley dressed up: "Today, Xiao Han visits the sea, it is not allowed to visit anyone, but the company has a lot of ways. I almost kneel down and ask me, I will agree with my heart. "

"Just see it, this is nothing." The night flame smiled slightly.

"I still have a little bit, Qin knows that the news will be big after this news." Harley did helplessly smiled, "I just called me, I stunned me."

"He may be a bad mood, you also know the situation in his home, don't care about him." Night flames comfort.

"I think it is quite strange, Xiao Han is not his son-in-law? How can they make this?" Harley did not solve it, "I listened to people to say that Xiao Han and Qin Xia were divorced. Will it really?" "

"This is their private affairs, you don't want to ask." The night flame heart thought that Harley Demonstration is a smart person, probably already expected the consequences.

"This is not a private thing ..." Harley Director said that "If Xiao Han has no relationship with Qin family, I am worried that he will be the warm sea."

"Harley Director, you deeply, think about it very much." Night flames said lightly, "But you can rest assured, that is not, even if it is likely to happen, will be killed in the cradle, will not Expansion effect."

"It seems that you have already been expected." The Director Harley sighed, "I really don't want this kind of thing, but you should host the overall situation, there should be no more things."

"Oh ..." The night flame smiled, "Don't worry, don't have anything."

"Well, I have this sentence, I am relieved, don't bother you, goodbye."



Hanging up the phone, the smile in the lips of the night flames gradually faded, vision, looks more dignified.

"How? Harley Director is worried that Xiao Han will go to Wenhai?" Asked Lu Zijue.

"It's all smart people." The night flames shook their heads, "I can guess the mind of others."

"It's not that I splash you cold water." Louis Capo shakes the high wine glasses, "Xiao Han this person is self-contained, unlike you, truthful, he is definitely more worrying than you."

"We are not fighting." The night flames smiled, "I am afraid that he doesn't work?"

"Hey, you are you this sentence." Louis Earl touched him with him. "Anyway, I support you, what's the matter, you can't move, no one moves you."

"Even if you don't support, I will go forward, just ..." Night flames sigh, "I am tired, really tired, don't want to fight back."

"Yes." Louis Earl also remembered his own business, "When we are so mad, we are all stronger, and we will make a lot of mistakes until harm others, and we will hurt yourself. We will understand that it is the original faint and flat. true."

"You are not late now." Night flames gave him a half glass wine.

"That is, I will have happiness in the future." The Earl of Louis was confident, and then said, "That Xiao Han's thing, how do you plan?"

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