"I have no way." Xiao Han smiled, "once decided to do this, I can't stand the head. I couldn't help you. Now I still use her and my child to help the Wemai, after the loss Everyone will break me, and Xia, I will not forgive me. "

"Master ..." Li Hui mercifully looked at Xiao Han, I really want to comfort him, but I don't know what to say.

"Just like this ..." Xiao Han deeply sighed a sigh of relief, "Anyway, I am now being seen, even if anything is not done, they want to hate it or hate, I have missed love, I don't want to miss it again. Family, I can't make Wemai things. "

"Mr. Wen is really very good, I don't want him to have something, but ..." Si Hui bite the lips, drums the courage to remind, "You do this is in the law, Mr. Wen can escape to foreign countries, you No, your company is in New York, nowhere, you have to escape, do you have to replace him? "

Xiao Han took the wine in the cup, silent for a moment, low saying: "I am not committed to compete, even if I really want to sentence it, I have three years in five years, I will think about it, I will soon Can come out, can be different in Wenhai, if I don't save him, he is not only to sit in a lifetime, he will die !!! "

"Do you say that Qin will always deal with him?" Si Hui followed Xiao Han for so many years, naturally, Xiao Han is thinking.

"Wenhai did so many mixed books, such as Qin Wei, Qin Xiang won't let him." Xiao Han gave himself half a cup of wine, "I am also sorry for Xia, we owe Qinjia Too much, if you really want to be punished, let me accept it. "

Si Hui hangs his eyes, no more, although Xiao Han is not right, but she is fully understood.

Sometimes, I know that this road is wrong, and I will have no reluctance, that is because they have the reason they can't resist, life is in the world, I can't always be awake and reason, and I have feelings, I can prove that I have true. The existence ...


Qin Jia, Night Flam, Louis Earl, reached an agreement on the new company, three people handled relevant documents at the Notary Office, and intended to hold a reporter reception on the warning of the Wemeworrhea trial.

After the matter is finished, the three celebrates in the Century Dynasty.

Night flames have been used to drink a shallow wine today. The three people are very good. Qin Xiang is very emotional: "I spent so much thought, I finally don't have a white fee, and Wenhai will soon be convicted. I'm finally able to have snow. "

"Yeah, the warm sea will have to spend over prison, thinking about it." The night flamested wine.

"Take over in prisons? Too cheaper." Qin Xiang was laughed.

The night flame brow wrinkled, did not speak, he deliberately said that I would like to try Qin Xiang. Sure enough, Qin Xiang will not let go of the warm sea.

Louis Bo looked at the night flaming, meaning that he said: "Wenhai has done so many bad things, he is a losing, but if you try to trial this kind of scum, it is not worth it."

The Earl of Louis is also very hatred. I can't wait to die, but I have a thorough talk about the night flame last night. He is finally understanding, hatred is terrible, the night flame does not want Qin Xiang to be entangled.

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