"Is it worth it?" Qin Xiang shook his head smiles. "What is it worth it? It is worthy of the Qin family and the world, happiness, I have not done a bad thing in my life, why is the family breaks? I poor Wen Ni innocent death Hiya was filled with his heart, and Wei Yu ... Wei Er was harmed by Wenhai, I must report! "

"You have already revenge now." The heart of the night flames, "Wenhai is a person who is heavy, let him only spend the second half of the prison, and it is more cruel to him."

"Yeah." The Earl of Louis also followed, "Wenhai was sentenced to life imprisonment, even if the lawyer strived, he could not reduce the penalty. He was destined to be lonely in the next half. "

"Not enough." Qin Xiang interrupts the words of Louis, "I want to double the pain of my family !!!!"

Louis Bot frowning looked at the night flames, I don't know how to persuade it.

"Don't say these unhappy things, say something else." Night flame transfer the topic, so it is easy to ask, "Qin, Xiya is born? Has been in the hospital for delivery. "

"Yeah, I also received the phone. Hiya is now there is still no response, but it is too fast." Qin Xiang remembered the grandchildren who was about to be born, "I will be a foreign public, huh, huh."


Louis Earl and Night Flam with Qin Xiang.

"Thank you." Qin Xiang took the wine in the cup, "It's rare, I didn't expect me to be so old, and I can pay two forgotten the year!"

"We are a business partner, and you are friends in life, and you are our elders." Night flames smiled, "We will fight together in the future, the business empire will be us."

"I originally want to retreat, I didn't expect to reap out the rivers and lakes now." Qin Xiang bitterly smiled, "I used to think that there is a son-in-law to help me, my business is handed over to their young people, I don't have to use Worried, but the two daughters are not awkward, I have to come out, and Wei Er will not change in recent years. Today, I only hope that Xia can get out of the past, start new life, and will meet in the future To a good man, I really love her, hurt her, then I am satisfied. "

"Qin always, you are still young, less than sixty, said to retreat to it," Louis Pup, "there is a daughter, beautiful, character, will definitely encounter a good man in the future "

"Yeah, Xia condition is very good, you don't have to worry." Night flames tested, "Yes, do you want to accompany her? It's a big thing, you can't do it."

"I also want to pass, but the case of Wenhai did not fall. I didn't work in my heart." Qin Xiang's face became dignified, "And Hya is now just waiting, which is not allowed to say, I have already let People are ready, the Wemewood trial is the next day, I will go to Switzerland, it is a week, the time should be almost. "

"That is also." Night flame smiled slightly, thought, it seems that Wemewood has been deployed, and now I don't use it ...

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