Xiao Han was silent.

"She is not a person around, it is too pitiful." Blue Qian Yu continued to persuade, "No matter what you and her feelings, you are a child's father, you don't have nothing to ask, is it too much?"

"I am sorry, Xia ..." Xiao Han is very embarrassed, "I ..."

His words said half, suddenly there was an idea to flash from the mind, suddenly, he said, "I have prepared a special plane, go to Switbe tomorrow!"

"Really?" "Blue Qian Yu is coming out," "It turned out that you have already arranged, you didn't lie to me?"

"Of course, no." Xiao Han clenched his fist, continued to lie, "I will take three o'clock in the afternoon."

Next to it, Si Hui heard these words, the brow frightened, why did the owner ? He is clearly just in Switzerland.

"Great." Blue Qian Yu is a little excited, "Xia has been depressed in the past few days, she knows that you have to come, will be very happy."

"You don't tell her." Xiao Han said immediately.

"Ah? Why?" "Qi Qian Yu asked.

"I ..." Xiao Han bite his lips and said, "I want to give her a surprise."

"Oh, it is right." Blue Qian Yu is completely no doubt, "although she didn't say it on her, I have been waiting for you, you are coming, it is the best compensation for her."


Xiao Han gently should have a sentence, he knows what he should say, but he is a strong saten, but he can't say a word ...

Xiao Han has never cheated Blue Qian Yu, but he is lying to deceive her, but more hateful, he hurts Haya, Xiai is a child, but he can't accompany her side, but also use it. Her labor has been a scorpion and rescued her enemies.

Because he wants to use this lie, use Blue Qian Yu to convey the news to successfully complete the tomorrow.

"Are you very busy now?" Blue Qianyu found that Xiao Han didn't seem to speak today.

"It's a bit, at the meeting." Xiao Han found an excuse.

"Oh, then I don't bother you." Blue Qianyu said, "I hang up first, I will call me tomorrow night, I will let Zhao Jun pick you."

"No, I will go to the hospital I."

"It's good, then I hang."



Hanging a phone, Blue Qianyu thought that Xiao Han tomorrow will come, from the depths of the heart to Qin Xiya, I thought about it, she also sent a text message to Xiao Han, sent him the hospital address in Qin Xia, I wish him all the way! ! !


Seeing SMS, Xiao Han gave himself a slap in the face: "Xiao Han, your real fucking !!!!"

Si Hui watched him, it was very difficult in his heart. He used Blue Qian Yu and Qin Xia. He will regret it in the future. ?


Blue Qianyu put down the phone, preparing to go to the ward to see Qin Xia, at this time, the night flames have called, she quickly answers: "Flame!"

"How? What is Xiao Han?" Asked the night flame.

"He said that it was ready to have a special plane. Tomorrow, he came to Switzerland to accompany Jia." Blue Qian Xia said, "It seems that he still has a conscience."

"This is good, Qin always knows, and it will be pleased." The night flamested a breath.

"Yeah, you tell Qin," Yue Qian Yu is very mood, "but Xiao Han let me look at Xiaa, saying that I have to give Xia a surprise."

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