"Well, he thinks it is very thoughtful." Night flames, "I said with Qin."

"Well, then I hang."


Hanging up the phone, the night flame is ready to call Qin Xiang's phone, tell him this news, but I don't know why, he always feels a bit wrong.

With his understanding of Xiao Han, Xiao Han should not give up the warm sea so soon, at least wait for the results of the trial ...

If it is Blue Qianyu to persuade Xiao Han, there is so a variety of possibilities, but Qianyu said in the phone that Xiao Han said that she was ready to have a special plane. This shows that she has not advised him, he has decided to go to Switzerland ...

is this real? ? ? Or is it hidden? ? ?

Night flames frowned, caught in thought.

"Hey -" The mobile phone suddenly rang, it is Qin Xiang, the night flame answers the phone, "Qin is always!"

"I just got news, Si Hui used many ways to apply for Xiao Han to visit the warm sea for 9 o'clock tomorrow morning!" Qin Xiang didn't say, "I don't know what to play, I am going to find it. People talk about it, cancel this visit. "

Night flaming did not speak, Xiao Han said that the special plane in the evening fly, and I arranged to visit the Wenhai tomorrow morning. He wants to see the warm sea before leaving, or another inside? ? ?

"Night flaming, why don't you talk?" Qin Xiang shouted.

"I just received a phone call, Qian Yu said, Xiao Han arranged the special plane to fly Switzerland tomorrow night." Night flames praised.

"He wants to return to Switzerland? Is it going to accompany Jay?" Qin Xiang was very unexpected.

"Yes." The night flames said calmly, "he said so."

"It is a little conscience." Qin Xiang is coming out, "Xia must be very happy, she has not dead to the kid."

"He just told the news, let Qian Yuzhen hiya, saying that it is a surprise to Xia." Night flaming said that he said, "Do you think that there is any problem?"

"Question?" Qin Xiangtun lived, "You suspect that he has a predetermined?"

"Nor isn't doubt." Night flames don't want to make their own subjective thoughts, "In fact, now the situation, everyone knows the remains of the case, Xiao Han is formation, giving up the rescue of the warm sea, and there is also a thing Moreover, Haya has to be born. He is a husband, and it should be a reasonable to accompany her. Take care of her ... This looks reasonable, there is no problem, but ... "

"But what?" Qin Xiang asked.

"I always feel that he should not give up so quickly." The night flame is said, "" At least will wait until the case will come out later. "

"Maybe Qian Yu persuaded him?" Qin Xiang was lucky, "We all know that Xiao Han listened to Qian Yu."

"Qian Yu is intended to persuade him, but have not started to persuade, he said that it has arranged a special plane tomorrow night." Night flames frowned, "Qin, I am too suspicious?"

"No, your scruple is reasonable." Qin Xiang's essay is completely accomplished, and the mood is more heavy than before, "Xiao Han is indeed a person who is easy to give up, now only seven days left in the trial, even me They went to Switzerland after dragging the trial, he didn't matter more than I was more, if he really came with Xian to love, but he didn't have a last time, he returned to New York, it was visible that he didn't take it at all. Ya is in your heart. If you analyze, he is really problematic. "

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