For a long time, it is finally the night flames first open: "Listen to Qianyu, you will go to Switzerland tomorrow?"

"Well." Xiao Han nodded, "Xia is born, I should be with her."

"That's good." The night flames said, "No matter what you and her, the child is always yours, you should do my father's responsibility."

"You are more and more likely to talk about it." Xiao Han Yang looked with lips, "Like Qian Yu, you both are really natural."

"Oh!" The night flaming smiled. "If you don't like to listen, I can not say it."

"Let's talk, there is someone who is embarrassed, there are people who have been talking to a speech." Xiao Han was mixed with coffee in the cup.

I heard this sentence, the night flames were silent, because of the warm sea, because of their own love, Xiao Han now became very isolated, there is no friend around, and people will understand the value of friendship ...

The waiter gives them a supreme coffee before going back.

"You stay in our company's shares and assets, I have let the lawyers split out, send the contract to you tomorrow." Xiao Han looked at the night flames, "said it, dragging it for so long, harm the rain Yao and Berg have all things. "

"Forget it, things have passed." Night flamested a coffee.

"How is your stomach?" Xiao Han knew him, "The face seems to be much better than before, but it still is very shameful."

"Still conditioning, there is nothing wrong." The night flame smiled slightly, "What about you? The eyes are filled with blood, insomnia?"

"Wenhai was closed inside, Hya resentful me, how do I sleep?" Xiao Han sighed, "I never thought that I will fall so."

"What is your next? Compared to the disaster I have encountered, it is just a pediatrics." The night flames, "" Key or yourself, don't know how to cherish in love, in terms of affection ... "

Night flames stopped the topic and did not continue.

Xiao Han also didn't want to talk about the Wemeworthy, transfer the topic: "Right, there is something, I want to find you to help."

"What?" The night flame is very unexpected. He didn't expect this time, Xiao Han will find him help.

Xiao Han said, carefully said: "I lock an important document in my safe. After a few days, I will send the password to you, when you go to my home to open the safe, take the file inside Come out, wait for Hia to sit on the month, then think a means let her sign. "

The night flames stunned, stared at him with confusion: "What documents?"

"It is still not to tell you, in short, this is the private matter between I and Xia, which is good for her, I can't find a suitable person to help, I can only find you." Xiao Han said, "I know," You will help me, right? "

Night flames were tightly frowned: "How do I think, you are like a man?"

"Oh!" Xiao Han lost his voice and smile, "What is this? I thought I was like you, I got cancer, my life was so late, so I have to give up the body? I just feel very good. I just feel very good for Xia. I want to make up for her. "

"Are you going to Switzerland tomorrow? Why don't you bring her yourself?" The night flames looked at him deeply.

"Even if I went to Switzerland, Xia won't forgive me." Xiao Han smiled bitter, "You should know that she is very embarrassed, I want to give her, she will not accept, but will think about it, she just finished Child, I don't want to stimulate her. "

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