Night flames think about it, in Qin Xia's personality, it will make it unhappy.

However, I think about it, I still feel that I am not right, the night flames ask: "Then why don't you let the Si Hui do? Or let the thousand feather help? This kind of thing, they should be more convenient than me."

"Qian Yu is now very annoying me, don't work, I will teach me, saying that I am afraid of her." Xiao Han's helplessness, "As for the Si Hui, let her do have no problem, but she is me People, Xia has the heart of her, not signing. You are not the same, you are so powerful, there is no business. "

"Okay. If you are reasonable." The night flames were convinced by him.

"You can rest assured, just a file, what can I harm you?" Xiao Han was a bit, stood up, "Your stomach is not good, still drink some coffee, I have to go, do you go back to the hospital?" I see you off.."

"No, I have passed." Night flames looked at him, "You will go first, I pay!"

"Thank you." Xiao Han smiled slightly, "Take care of thousands of feathers, worship!"

Xiao Han is going to leave, watching his back, watching the eyes, it seems that I have to speculate is not wrong, Xiao Han really plans to help Wemai escape, he knows that he is doing this to violate the law, can't look back, Ya left a document, probably wants to leave the property to Hiya ...

This kid is really crazy! ! !

No, you can't let him do this. .

When you think of this, the night flame immediately took out the mobile phone to Harley Director: "Help me arrange it, I want to see the Water Sea today!"

"Now it is 6 o'clock, I have long been visiting the time." Harley said.

"No matter what way you want, I must let me see him." Night flame emphasized again.

"It's really hard, in order to ensure this justice, let Durong people look at the people at night, I have no way to arrange it tomorrow morning?"

"Tomorrow morning, Xiao Han wants to see the warm sea."

"I am arranging you in front of him, eight o'clock, can't do it?"

"Well, then you can arrange, don't make anything wrong with anything."



Hanging a phone, the night flames pays coffee money, from the elevator, thoughts in the mind, if his speculation is no problem, then he will take some actions, but he is afraid of something wrong, in case something is unexpected In the future, Xiao Han, I am afraid I hate him for a lifetime.

I thought about it, and the night flame decided to verify the situation, so I gave the Si Hui called a phone call, and she appeared as a side.

Si Huang has just bought something back, picking up the phone of the night flame, she has some accidents, the night flames said in the phone: "About Xiao Han, I want to talk to you, do you look tonight, there is no empty, separate Come out and I see it, don't let Xiao Han know. "

Si Hui hesitated, finally agreed: "Well, twelve o'clock tonight, I come to the hospital to find you."



Hanging up the phone, Si Hui saw Xiao Han's car, she quickly deleted records, hurry to go: "Master!"

"Give the juice to the night old woman." Xiao Han, "I will go back first, you will drive back later."



Si Hui went to the upper floor to send juice, I feel somewhat strange, Xiao Han never is a careful person, but today is very thoughtful as the old man, the old man, the old man, and tell her to buy juice. What is going on?

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