When the night flame returned to the hospital from the coffee shop, the Si Hui had already left, and the old man was asleep.

Night flames were guarded at him in the ward, and they quickly arrived at 12 o'clock in the evening.

Si Hui sent him a text message. She waited for him in the garden downstairs, the night flames made medical care and bodyguards guarded the night, then went downstairs to find her.

The night flame is very cautious, and no one is tracking around, but said to Si Hui: "Xiao Han told me today, he has a document in the safe, let me take it a few days, I want to make Xia sign, you Do you know what a document is it? "

Night flames will not talk to Diva to talk about Xiao Han, in case the company does not agree to help him, things will be smashed.

So, the night flame can only knock the cable.

"Document?" Si Hui is very surprised, obviously, she doesn't know this. "

Xiao Han looked whispered today, told me to take care of Qian Yu, and said that I am sorry for us, I feel that he is like writing behind him ... "Night flames frown," Have you found that he found that he has recently What is wrong? "

Si Hui smashed his eyes, silent, but the heart became a group of numbers, since the owner left Miss Qin, he probably knowing that he can't stand back, it seems that the consequences of this thing are far beyond My imagination may be more serious.

Night flaming looked at the face of Si Hui, I feel that my own speculation is not wrong, continue to test: "I am worried that he wants to rob prison, rescue the Water Sea."

"Robbery ??" Si Hui shakes his head, "No, the owner will not do this."

"He is best not to do this!" The night flames said seriously, "the victims of Wemewhat and implicated this case are all special people, the vice president attaches great importance to it, and he is heavy as the number one, now guarding the guard Strictly, even the medical care that takes care of Wenhai is special. Xiao Han can't succeed. If he does not only save the warm sea, but will also kill himself !!! "

Si Hui is more chaotic, even the medical care is special? What will then be discovered? In case, this matter is smashed out, the owner is over.

Night flames continued to persuade: "Si Hui, although I am somewhat with Xiao Han, I am no longer as intimate as before, but we used to be a brother, I really don't want him to do something, if he really is there? In a bad idea, you must stop him. "

"The master is so stubborn, he decides, no one can change, I want to persuade can't persuade." Si Hui out.

"He really has a planned?" "Night flames widened.

Si Hui realized that he said wrong, and quickly changed: "I don't mean, I said, if the owner has any idea, I can't persuade."

"You can't persuade, but you can stop him." The night flames have a reminder, "" The most trusted person around Xiao Han is you, as long as you don't help him, he doesn't make anything. "

Si Hui was very contradictory and tangled. At this time, her mobile phone is ringing. She is hitting, she immediately panic: "The owner is looking for me, I have to go back."

"Wait a minute." Night flaming pulled her, "Si Hui, you have to carefully consider me, don't think that it is a loyalty, if he really, you regret it."

"I know, I will consider." Si Hui came, and hurriedly opened.

Night flaming looked at her back, deeply sighed, Xiao Han, Xiao Han, everyone said that you are awkward, this time, I will really hope that you are like this, but you have to sacrifice yourself, does it worth?

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