Xiao Han collapsed low, there was a strong remorse, he even "Dad" didn't call, the Wemewood was so dead, and even didn't know that his grandson was a boy or a girl. He always said to wait for grandson. Obaching, but now, everything is late, late, late.

Harley Director rushed over and saw this scene in front of him. He shocked and stunned. Wenhai is really dead. The deep injury on the wrist has proved that he is suicide.

It seems that the night flames are expected to be, Wenhai In order to keep Xiao Han, I chose this road.

The Director of Harley sighed, although he also got a bone of Wenhai, abomination of this kind of person who had a malfunction, but now I saw this next place, his heart is very uncomfortable.

People, after all, still emotional animals.

Do more bad things, then vicious, but always have your own weakness.

The soft rib in the warm sea is Xiao Han.

Wen Haixi is afraid that his retribution is on Xiao Han, so it is a good end of it in advance. It is the best ending for everyone. The warm sea is dead, and the hate of Qin Xiang is finally eliminated. What is extreme, and those who have hurt by Wemewhere will be gratified in Tianzhimen.


Now Xiao Jia is covered with a sad atmosphere, and Harley does not endure them, but I have to temporarily avoid it. For night flames, the text message: "Wenhai died, cut the wrist and committed suicide!"


Night Building, the 60th Floor President Office.

Night flames and Qin Xiang is sitting on the floor window, drinking coffee, waiting for the news of Harley, when receiving SMS, the two simultaneously fights, Qin Xiang is eager to say: "Take a quick look."

Night flames open SMS, see the content, the face becomes stunned, nothing to say, just hand it to Qin Xiang.

Qin Xiang took a look at it. He did not expect to be happy and excited. Evassence sanctions ... Oh ... "

Qin Xiang smiled coldly. "He is smart, so it is dying, it is a hundred, and it doesn't need to bear anything."

"Right, the Director Harley told me that Wemewood was called to call him before, and all crimes were admitted, but he stated ..." The night flames suddenly, solemnly said that "Weier is not him." The meaning is that Wen Dynasty self-acting, unauthorized. "

"He is dead now, I want to say it." Qin Xiang is white, "I don't believe it, if there is no will, do you have that courage?"

"Wen Dynasty and Bart, why did they betray him? I have always wanted not to pass, now think about it, it is because this thing is turned over with Wenhai." Night flames said seriously. "In fact, you think about it, Wenhai Anyway, you have to die, and all crimes have been recognized before dying, and now, why bother to compete for a crime? "

Qin Xiang hangs his eyes, silenced half, said to Night Flam: "Maybe you are right, but now I don't find witnes, I can't believe in Wenhai, and Bad has been caught, and it has been close. Wen Dynasty was still outside, I have to find them a few, if they are doing, I will not let them. "

"Wen Dynasty, I am estimated to hide in Wen Jia."

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