"In Wen Jia?" Qin Xiang is some accident, "no."

"Do you remember? At that moderate DPRK and Bad, they wanted to escape at the airport. Si Hui rushed him, but only grabbed the Wen Dynasty, and Bad had a few escape, and later the Wemai said that the Wenhai said that it is pressed by him. I told the country to do things, so I took the Wen Dynasty, after that, the Director Harley sent people to stare at Wen Pei, and found that the Wen Dynasty has never left the Wen Wen, and later the Director Harley also founded to go to Wen Jia. Searched, there is no found in the family, I suspect that the Wen Jia is there, and hides the Wen Dynasty there. "

"Then I will send someone to search now." Qin Xiang stood up.

"Qin." "Night Flame Stopping He,", you still let the Director Harley do it, Wenhai is dead, now the police will block their home, and the Wemewood case is so big, and now Paying attention to the business of public officials, caught a strict, although you have retired, but don't provoke these troubles. "

"I know, you don't want me to kill the Wen Dynasty." Qin Xiang deeply looked at the night flame, "When did you become so observed ??"

"I just don't want you to become the second Wenhai." The night flames really said, "I have made a bad thing. After all, he will be retributed. Although he is sin, he is still very sad, you still have Two daughters, as well as the upcoming little grandson, if you have anything, what do they do? Who is it later? "

I heard these words, Qin Xiang was silent. .

The heart of the night flame is advised: "I am so arrogant before, because I don't worry, now it is different, I have become very timid, because I don't want me, my family is sad, I am more I am afraid that they are hurt, so I have to consider consequences. "

Donned, he helplessly laughed. "Maybe many people think that I am getting weak now, not as fear as before, it doesn't matter, I don't mind how others look at me, I just hope that I will peace and peace with my family. Just, more, my grandfather told me that this is not a weak, but calm, it is a real king's weather!!!

"He is right." Qin Xiang smiled, "In fact, before Wen Ni, I think so, I am very careful, so I can't sin, but I will not sin. Didn't think of it, even if I am careful, the disaster will come on me ... "

Thinking of a series of disasters in the family, Qin Xiang's mood is very low. "I used to be tangled, I don't understand why I will make this, I have never done a bad thing in my life, and even for sinners, I would rather suffer, but I and I Why do the family encounter such a terrible thing? I don't think it, I really want to ... "

"Don't be like this .." The night flames patted the shoulders of Qin Xiang, "Destinity did not fair to you, but we think about you, maybe it will make up for you, in the future, Xia, Weier, and their children, Will you have a happy life. "

"I hope so." Qin Qiang sighed, "But you are right, Weier and Xia are now fragile, they all need me to take care, if I do something, what do they do? That's what you said , Give it to the police to do it, but you must find evidence to order their sins. "

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