"I don't go." Xiao Han was unhappy, and I was irritated. "I am not a doctor, can I have to use? Can I save her? Can I save my child? I can't do anything ... "

"Hey !!!" Qin Xiang gave Xiao Han a slap in the face, excited to shake, "Xiao Han, you are so cold, you are so cold, this time, you still say this ?? "

"Why can't I say this? I am wrong?" Xiao Han angrily, "Qin Xiang, don't think I don't know, it is a sea to fall in the sea with night flames, he is now dead , You are very happy to be right? "

"Yes, I am very happy." Qin Xiang was irritated, "Wen Haixi killed my lady, harming Wei, he lost his death, sin, the sin, the dead, it is cheaper !! I can't wait to take him. The corpse, the bones !!! "

"You ..." Xiao Han excitedly got his fist.

"How? You have to play me? Come -" Qin Xiang rushed to him, "You do it, try !!!"

"I respect you is my elder, I don't want to do it for you." Xiao Han biting his teeth, "Wenhai just died, you don't want to learn in front of him, leave it immediately."

"Sakae?" Qin Xiang was laughed. "You are right, I am coming to learn today."

Said, Qin Xiang angryly walked into the medical room, and reached out to move the body of the sea ...

"You have to live for me -" Xiao Han excitedly pushed Qin Xiang.

Due to force, Qin Xiang is a boring, almost falling, but fortunately, the night flames have been rushed to support him, angry drinking: "Xiao Han, you are crazy? It is a father-in-law. "

"I am not his father-in-law, I don't have this kind of animal son-in-law." Qin Xiang was angry with iron blue, and shouted.

"Night flaming, you still have a face ???" Xiao Han pointed to the night flames, "I went to the sea, you didn't go in to see him, and said with him a lot of dramatic words?"

Night flames have a Delong outside the door, Delong touches the nose, pretending to hear, but the night flame knows that Derlon tells Xiao Han.

However, it doesn't matter, anyway, Xiao Han will know soon, and the starting point of the night flame is also good.

But there are many police officers here, and the night flames can't say the reason.

"You mix the bill ----" Xiao Han rushed to play night flames, and the Si Hui hurriedly pulled him, "The owner, you are cool, don't be excited."

"Rolling -" Xiao Han used to open Si Hui, the Si Hui hit it on the cabinet, the forehead blood DC, instantly rendered the show of the show.

Night flames, drunk her, drinking Xiao Han: "You really only lose a sense of rational dog, I only know that people who care about you, the Si Hui is loyal to you, you are like her?"

"I don't need anyone to care." Xiao Han said, "I said cold," You roll right away, I don't want to see you. "

"You must go to Switzerland to see Jia, you must go." Qin Xiang was excited to point Xiao Han.

"I won't go, you died this heart." Xiao Han has a complaint with Qin Xiang, so he deliberately with him. .

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